Sunday, March 18, 2007

Welcome to Ben's.

This has definitely been a slow weekend in terms of venues visited. I cannot complain though because last night was pretty hilarious, and overall presented a nice break from dancing the weekend away.
I decided to meet a friend of mine in downtown Arlington (by the way, did you know that Arlington is not a city but actually a county and that there are no actual cities in that county? Live and learn). Anyhow, we decided to go to the bar I've been to once before around 11 pm. Knowing that she is just as bad as I am in terms of running late, I assumed I'll be good if I show up around 11:15 pm. Which is exactly what I did. She was there already, and imagine my surprise when I saw her former roommate standing next to her. She noticed my surprised look and said that he asked her to come along when she was getting ready. Fine with me. I knew him from before and thought he was a pretty cool guy. His friend was also there so we all went upstairs where we had a few drinks and chatted the night away. The greatest thing about this bar is the fact that you can actually smoke inside and don't have to run out every time you feel like lighting up. Add to it the fact that it was still cold and it made the place almost priceless. So we had a few more drinks and then my friend's roommate bought everyone shots. And I know I said just yesterday that there will be more shots and drinks, I have to pint out that I was drinking vodka before, and not beer like last night. As long as I don't mix, you know. Apparently, this rule applied to me only, as my friend seemed pretty drunk when we walked out of the bar. At least her eyes were unfocused even though she was walking straight. We headed for a nearby diner to grab some food so we could sober up but the place was packed given it was the only one open in two miles radius and all the bars have just closed. We then decided check out another place ten minutes away, but it was just as busy. Then my friend's roommate's friend (damn it just took me an hour to type it out) suggested this place on U St. that he claimed had some awesome food. I have to admit, I was pretty sceptical about this since I knew the area and thought it would be just as packed as everywhere else, but he claimed we would be fine. Since I was starving and our other options included Mac Donald's, I agreed to go. When we got there, I realized that my predictions came true, the place was probably busier, if possible, than the other two. However, the guys didn't mention that they knew the owner and we were seated within two minutes. You know what, they were right, the food was amazing. Well, I got chili and it was the best chili I ever had. As we were enjoying our food, the waiter brought out the hot-dog that had "Welcome to Ben's" written out on it in ketchup. I took a picture of it but unfortunately I lost the cable and at the moment cannot transfer pictures from my phone to the computer. So you'll just have to believe me that it was pretty damn cool. And if I find the cable, I'll definitely post it here.
After we were done, I didn't feel like driving home, so my friend and I decided to spend the night at her former roommate's. Since he only has one bedroom, we had no choice but to kick him out of bed since the couch wouldn't fit both of us. He left to sleep in the living room and I was so tired, I was asleep within two seconds tops. Oh, and did I forget to mention my friend recently got back with her boyfriend and things are going well between them. How do I know? I woke up with her arm around me... Good for them.
At first I was going to get up and go home quietly when I realized that I left my car in Arlington. Good to know it only took me half a day to realize that. I woke up my friend and she gave me a ride back and thankfully my car was still there. I promise I will never leave my baby alone.
I've been making too many promises lately, seems like.

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