Saturday, March 31, 2007

One free day.

I finally took a day off at work since I haven't had one since last summer, and even that was because I had a doctor appointment. Now one thing I don't know is why in hell did I wake up at 9 am? Given the fact I've been out until 4 am this does not sit well with me. Yes, you heard me right, I went out last night since I knew I didn't have to get up early in the morning. It was amazing. I met up with a bunch of friends and even more people I've never seen in my life and we ended up having a fantastic time. A lot of people consider it strange going out during the week but for me it is a chance to unwind and chill. I feel like I rest much better if I go out than if I stay home and catch up on my sleep. I know, sounds weird, but it works for me. Brings the weekend closer. I also confronted a friend of mine about his recent behavior, but didn't get a straight answer. Well, I did but i still do not believe he was completely honest. Basically, we used to hang out all the time last year, and then suddenly stopped. I mean we still talk either on the phone or online almost daily, but hardly ever hang out. So basically, I asked what was up with that. His response? Nothing, I don't think anything changed. Bullshit! But hey, if he doesn't want to admit anything, I shouldn't really bother to find out, should I? Except he is a very good friend of mine (or so I thought), and I definitely don't want to stop talking to him altogether...
Anyhow, I was bored all day yesterday and eventually decided to call up AJ. He happened to be at work but free afterwards - it seems like he's usually free whenever I call him (which suits me perfectly well), so we decided to meet up afterwards. He was his usual AJ but we ended up having a great time. I did exactly the same thing as the last few time and spent the rest of the night away from everyone.
That's just me - I either enjoy big groups of people and loud places or night alone in front of the TV.

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