Saturday, March 31, 2007

One free day.

I finally took a day off at work since I haven't had one since last summer, and even that was because I had a doctor appointment. Now one thing I don't know is why in hell did I wake up at 9 am? Given the fact I've been out until 4 am this does not sit well with me. Yes, you heard me right, I went out last night since I knew I didn't have to get up early in the morning. It was amazing. I met up with a bunch of friends and even more people I've never seen in my life and we ended up having a fantastic time. A lot of people consider it strange going out during the week but for me it is a chance to unwind and chill. I feel like I rest much better if I go out than if I stay home and catch up on my sleep. I know, sounds weird, but it works for me. Brings the weekend closer. I also confronted a friend of mine about his recent behavior, but didn't get a straight answer. Well, I did but i still do not believe he was completely honest. Basically, we used to hang out all the time last year, and then suddenly stopped. I mean we still talk either on the phone or online almost daily, but hardly ever hang out. So basically, I asked what was up with that. His response? Nothing, I don't think anything changed. Bullshit! But hey, if he doesn't want to admit anything, I shouldn't really bother to find out, should I? Except he is a very good friend of mine (or so I thought), and I definitely don't want to stop talking to him altogether...
Anyhow, I was bored all day yesterday and eventually decided to call up AJ. He happened to be at work but free afterwards - it seems like he's usually free whenever I call him (which suits me perfectly well), so we decided to meet up afterwards. He was his usual AJ but we ended up having a great time. I did exactly the same thing as the last few time and spent the rest of the night away from everyone.
That's just me - I either enjoy big groups of people and loud places or night alone in front of the TV.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Welcome to Ben's.

This has definitely been a slow weekend in terms of venues visited. I cannot complain though because last night was pretty hilarious, and overall presented a nice break from dancing the weekend away.
I decided to meet a friend of mine in downtown Arlington (by the way, did you know that Arlington is not a city but actually a county and that there are no actual cities in that county? Live and learn). Anyhow, we decided to go to the bar I've been to once before around 11 pm. Knowing that she is just as bad as I am in terms of running late, I assumed I'll be good if I show up around 11:15 pm. Which is exactly what I did. She was there already, and imagine my surprise when I saw her former roommate standing next to her. She noticed my surprised look and said that he asked her to come along when she was getting ready. Fine with me. I knew him from before and thought he was a pretty cool guy. His friend was also there so we all went upstairs where we had a few drinks and chatted the night away. The greatest thing about this bar is the fact that you can actually smoke inside and don't have to run out every time you feel like lighting up. Add to it the fact that it was still cold and it made the place almost priceless. So we had a few more drinks and then my friend's roommate bought everyone shots. And I know I said just yesterday that there will be more shots and drinks, I have to pint out that I was drinking vodka before, and not beer like last night. As long as I don't mix, you know. Apparently, this rule applied to me only, as my friend seemed pretty drunk when we walked out of the bar. At least her eyes were unfocused even though she was walking straight. We headed for a nearby diner to grab some food so we could sober up but the place was packed given it was the only one open in two miles radius and all the bars have just closed. We then decided check out another place ten minutes away, but it was just as busy. Then my friend's roommate's friend (damn it just took me an hour to type it out) suggested this place on U St. that he claimed had some awesome food. I have to admit, I was pretty sceptical about this since I knew the area and thought it would be just as packed as everywhere else, but he claimed we would be fine. Since I was starving and our other options included Mac Donald's, I agreed to go. When we got there, I realized that my predictions came true, the place was probably busier, if possible, than the other two. However, the guys didn't mention that they knew the owner and we were seated within two minutes. You know what, they were right, the food was amazing. Well, I got chili and it was the best chili I ever had. As we were enjoying our food, the waiter brought out the hot-dog that had "Welcome to Ben's" written out on it in ketchup. I took a picture of it but unfortunately I lost the cable and at the moment cannot transfer pictures from my phone to the computer. So you'll just have to believe me that it was pretty damn cool. And if I find the cable, I'll definitely post it here.
After we were done, I didn't feel like driving home, so my friend and I decided to spend the night at her former roommate's. Since he only has one bedroom, we had no choice but to kick him out of bed since the couch wouldn't fit both of us. He left to sleep in the living room and I was so tired, I was asleep within two seconds tops. Oh, and did I forget to mention my friend recently got back with her boyfriend and things are going well between them. How do I know? I woke up with her arm around me... Good for them.
At first I was going to get up and go home quietly when I realized that I left my car in Arlington. Good to know it only took me half a day to realize that. I woke up my friend and she gave me a ride back and thankfully my car was still there. I promise I will never leave my baby alone.
I've been making too many promises lately, seems like.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Unexpected scenario.

One thing I noticed is that I start a lot of my posts with words like "weird", "bizarre", etc. And although most of the nights out turn out to be, shall I say, interesting, very few of them really deserve the "weird" title. Well, last night was definitely one of those...
No one could have predicted anything but a quiet night. It was another freezing Friday night and I decided to go to a local bar with a co-worker. As usual, I fell asleep and didn't get there until around 11 pm. And naturally, I was late. They were there already but it seemed like they arrived just a few minutes before me as the food wasn't there yet. I didn't know anyone except for my co-worker but it never really stopped me before, and wasn't an obstacle that night. We were having a great time, it was St. Patrick's, so the drinks kept coming, and I already regretted I have to drive home so soon. Then we went outside for a cigarette, leaving one girl at the table. Looking back, that was probably where things went awry. When we came back, I noticed she already found two guys to entertain her. On the side note, one of those guys was hot. It turned out he took my seat so I told him to go away so I can sit down. He let me have my seat, but didn't go away. Instead, he pulled another chair to the table and we started chatting. We also started doing shots, and on another side note - no more shots and beers in one night. Another hour or so passed and the bar was finally closing for the night so we decided to go outside for one last cigarette before heading home. I am not sure exactly how it happened, but the new guy and I were the only people who ended up outside. As I was smoking a cigarette, he leaned in and kissed me. He was a decent kisser and I, fueled by a massive dose of alcohol, asked him what he was doing later. Don't ask me why, it's been a while since I got laid. The guy was cute, it turned out he was staying in the hotel across the street and leaving the next day - the situation seemed perfect. And it was until we actually got to bed. Turned out, the guy would start giggling every time I'd touch him. And I mean giggling like a fifth grader. Even though it was fairly nice otherwise, this fact completely weirded me out and all I could think at that point was how to get home as soon as possible and finally get to my own bed. I made up some stupid excuse as soon as we were done and left. Seriously, I never got dressed so fast. Out of all funny or strange situations I've been in, this was the one. I mean, my friends and I talk about this stuff all the time and I've heard my share of their odd stories, but never anything like this. Oh well, I guess I have to dub this night "The most bizarre".
So far...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Some refreshment.

So after the news I heard this past Friday, I wasn't at all sure if I wanted to venture out of the house this weekend. However, the longer I stayed home Saturday, reading up some stuff and watching TV, the more often have I been returning to the same thoughts that bugged me all day at work Friday. Once 9 o'clock rolled around I was at a point that I simply had to go out no matter where we went. So after careful consideration I decided I was pretty much indifferent where I go and agreed to my friend's suggestion to go to this lounge on M street where we spent the most of Saturday nights last summer. To my great surprise however, as we drove by it looking for a parking, we realized that nothing was there - not a sign, not a person. As I pointed out to my friends, I guess they had to close the place down once we stopped going there. Highly disappointed, we had no choice but to go back to this club downtown that I pretty much hate at this point. Don't get me wrong, the place is fairly good in terms of music and service, but since we always hang out in the VIP room, I see the same people over and over - same faces, same situations. That gets pretty boring after a while. However, this time should have been different. A few weeks back I met this guy there that I kind of liked. Actually, I knew him from long time ago, I noticed him not long after I first started hanging out at the club, it's just that I have never talked to him as we did not have similar points of interest or mutual friends. A few weeks ago it got different though and I somewhat have to thank our government for prohibiting smoking in DC. He striked up a conversation first and then I offered to go outside to have a cigarette. One thing led to another and we danced the whole night long just enjoying each other's company. We did exchange phone numbers but I don't think either of us thought of it seriously or expected it to turn into something more. Over the past few weeks we occasionally traded text messages but never actually met up. He invited me to hang out with him and his friends last week, but I wasn't in a mood to see him. Anyhow, long story short, I ran into him this weekend again. I was just standing there talking to a friend I didn't see for a while when I noticed A. standing right behind my friend staring straight at me. Surprise, surprise. Other things aside (such as feeling slightly embarrassed for never going out with him), I had a great time catching up and just chatting the night away as he proved to be really funny and easygoing. Basically, just like me. I guess I was having a little too much fun and maybe a little bit more alcohol than I should have, because before I knew it we were kissing on the same spot we stood two minutes ago having a conversation. And let me tell you, it was hot. I mean, we did share a kiss the night we shared that cigarette, but that was more like a peck than a real kiss. This time it was the real stuff. I guess we got a bit carried away because the next thing I knew the lights came on and my friends started coming in and out of the room grabbing their stuff. I told a friend I rode with that I'll be downstairs in fifteen minutes and she left. After that I couldn't wait for these people to finally leave so I had to pull him into an adjacent room which just happened to be empty. And then we just got carried away, making out like crazy away from everyone eyes. Yes, he definitely was a great kisser. Those were pretty hot fifteen minutes, or twenty, or ... who really cares how much time has passed...
One thing I did realize when we finally emerged though, was the fact that my friends have left leaving me at the club without my car keys, or my cell phone. My elation gave place to frustration and anger as I specifically told them not to leave without me as they had all my belongings. I told A. about it and he got in touch with his other friend who told him where people I came in with went. He then gave me a ride and I was able to retrieve all my belongings from my friend. She gave me the lamest excuse ever that she thought I had already left and whatnot but I was way too mad to even consider what she had told me. Seriously, after spending a good hour in a serious lip lock with a hot guy, I had to stand there and listen why a friend of mine left me alone even though she knew I wouldn't have means of getting home. Alcohol truly does wonders.
As I woke up the next day, I texted A. thanking him of taking care of everything the night before. I then decided to go watch "300" after much hype that I heard about the movie. I called my friend up and dragged him out with me. Seriously? Awesome! Absolutely raving... great special effects, amazing story line and graphics. And actors? Wash boards from head to toe. At one point during the movie I actually leaned in to my friend and said, "Damn these guys are all so ripped". His response? "I knew you were going to say it, I was just surprised it took you this long". But c'mon, have you seen those guys? I am sure anyone with eyes would have said the same thing.
Don't you agree?

Friday, March 09, 2007

Dedicated to V.E.M.

Do you ever wonder how the course of you day can change with just one short phone call? It was this morning and I was at work enjoying my morning coffee and preparing for another day of sitting in front of the computer doing nothing. The weather was decent which promised an opportunity for an evening entertainment. I was sitting in my chair mentally going through the list of places I could visit later in the evening, discussing every possibility with a friend of mine who finally agreed to come out with us too. It was pretty quiet at work as people just got in and were still trying to wake up or wrap up tasks they haven't finished the day before... And then I heard a ring of my phone, piercing the morning silence (which I naturally forgot to switch to vibrate). I jumped from my chair and checked the caller ID - who could be calling me at 10 o'clock in the morning. The screen read "Dad." I picked up the phone thinking he needed me to check on something or inform me of some upcoming family engagement, but the moment I heard his voice I knew something was wrong. "It's about V.E.M.", he said. He didn't have to say anything else - I instantly knew what happened. "He passed away early this morning", he said, "Complications after the surgery." The person I remembered since I was five years old has passed away. Unexpected surgery, doctor's promises that everything would be fine, long albeit fairly stable recovery period, and now this. It just didn't make much sense. "When are we going there?", I asked. We weren't. He said my grandmother was sick at the time and that we wouldn't be able to go. This made even less sense. Shouldn't we at least pay our last respects? It is not like we had to go across the globe to do so, it was in California. The trip could have been completed within two days. Leaving on Saturday, coming back the following Monday. Puzzled, I told my dad it's fine and hung up...

Another person that meant something to me was gone...

You know, I am not religious or anything but I guess at moments like this one starts wondering about these things even though one doesn't believe in them. So this time too, I was sitting at work somehow positive that we will be able to see those we knew and respected again. Don't know how, but it has to be true... otherwise it would be too hard to deal with these things when you have nothing to look forward to. At times like these it seems like they are not gone, but merely lurking out of sight, behind the veil, so close and at the same time so far, reminding of themselves every year on their anniversary. Seems like all you have to do is extend your hand, pull the curtain back and reach out to them, but the moment you try to do so, they pull away and are even farther from you than ever before...
I was trying to think of all the positive moments we spent together, but with every passing minute it was harder and harder to do. Why is it that we forget things we try to remember and remember things we try so hard to forget? This time too, I had a hard time picking out those good moments out of the mess of memories I have of my childhood and adolescence. Yet, all the negative vaporized from my memory, yielding spece for better memories and experiences. And this is how I will always remember him...

You will always be smiling in my dreams and memories...