Monday, December 11, 2006

Sensory overload.

Alright, this post is going to cover the remainder of what started out as a great weekend. And I'll try to keep it short too, since I've got some work to do believe it or not.
So last Saturday I met up with a friend of mine and her boyfriend and a few other friends to go out. I didn't really feel like going anywhere because I was in the shittiest mood possible (I'll talk about it when I feel more like it, so far I just bitched about it to my friend over the phone which temporarily helped), but decided to go out despite it to lift myself up a bit. One thing I didn't know was that my friend was bringing her ex-sister-in-law with us. Big mistake. My friend's boyfriend and I both agreed that if she were ever to come out with us again, we are staying home. Seriously, the girl looked like she was high on something. I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand all the excitement about finally being out on the town, but it doesn't mean jumping around in the back seat of the car like a yo-yo or talking like she's trying to talk over a crowd of a hundred or more. Once we got to the club, I felt great since I didn't have much interaction with her. Oh, and guess who I met? If you said M., you are right again. First words he mouthed off when he saw me? "Oh shit". Yeah, not the greeting I expected, but we managed to have some small talk and then go our separate ways. Honestly, how many more times am I bound to run into him?
Anyhow, from funny to this girl again... Our ride home was almost unbearable. My friend's boyfriend actually started singing at some point just so he couldn't hear her talking. And seriously, some of the things she was saying were grossly inappropriate. It's one thing talking about your sex live with friends (which I am all in favor for and do so myself), but it's totally different discussing those details with people you barely know who specifically ask you not to talk about it (that wasn't me, mind you, but the poor guy). In any case, I was so relieved to go home, I couldn't wait to get out of their car. And it is extremely unusual for me because we usually manage to have a blast when we go out. I was in total sensory overload during my ride home and only calmed down when I got to bed... Crazy...
I am mostly in training all this week so I am pretty bored at work. I am not really complaining about it since it gives me a perfect opportunity to catch up on a million things. Just stating a fact...

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