Saturday, December 09, 2006

'Tis the season...

I dare anyone to tell me young professionals don't know how to party. Last night we proved everybody wrong. By we, I mean our department at work. As you probably have guessed, yesterday was our annual Christmas party. The first one. I think we are having another one in a week and a half... I am surprised to admit I actually liked it. Shall we start from the beginning though?
I could most definitely feel the pre-party rush in the office upon my arrival. Everywhere I turned, people were discussing last-minute details and dates and whether they should leave work early in order to make it back to DC by 6:30pm. Which, if you ask me, is pretty stupid. No, not making it back to DC but starting a party this early on a Friday, when most people don't get off work until 5pm. This is precisely why I arranged with a good friend of mine to go to her old apartment to change and head to the party from there. It worked out perfectly fine since it only took me ten minutes to get there. Heaven! I still cannot believe I managed to get ready, catch up on some news with my friend and change my shoes three times all before my date even arrived. Oh, and with all that getting ready crap - thanks God to whoever invented fashion tape. It's a life-saver.
Anyhow, my date was very late and as a result we did not get to DC until 7:30 pm or so. Which actually worked out quite perfectly since it was about the time everyone else got there. The party was great, nice drinks, delicious food, good company... what else do you need? Apparently, nothing, especially after the forth drink. Did I forget to mention everyone was pretty much wasted there? I mean from people jumping up and down because they got promoted to dancing by themselves to licking a chocolate fountains. Damn great times. The funniest part was when one of the guys I work with tried talking to me about a report of mine. Are you kidding? On a Friday night? I told him I don't even want to hear about it until Monday no matter what happened to the client.
Now, my story wouldn't be complete if I hadn't spent a minute or two talking about my date, so here goes.... I am never, ever seeing this guy again, nor do I want to hear from him. The guy is an idiot. As I might have mentioned, he is from the same country as I am which was the main reason I invited him - I figured it would be fun... shared background and all that shit. Well, first off, he trashed the government and people and politics during a conversation with my co-worker. Now, let me tell you something and it is totally cultural. Russians can talk trash about their country among themselves but if they hear someone else talking about it, that someone else can end up with a broken nose. Simply put, we just don't like when other people talk bad about us in our presence. So me hearing him do exactly that pissed the hell out of me. Honestly, at that moment I wanted to slap him... multiple times too... what a jerk. To top things off, he went home early leaving me at the party. Point one - he drove. Point two - I told him to wait till the end (which was about thirty minutes) so we can go home provided he didn't want to go to a bar afterwards with my other co-workers. Point three - how can a guy leave a girl at the party and go home? Seriously, maybe I got really lucky with friends, but it had never happened to me. On the contrary, if I am riding with a guy, he'd go with me even if he doesn't feel like it just to make sure I am not by myself. But anyway, bottom line is, the guy is an asshole. Who cares. At that point, I just told him to go home and joined my crew who were contemplating continuing celebrating.
And boy, we did. We decided to go to this bar not even six blocks away from the hotel that hosted our Christmas party. That was hilarious... First, it was a college bar so, naturally, everyone was wearing jeans and T-shirts. Imagine their surprise when they saw a bunch of people dressed in suits and cocktail dresses crushing into the club, going straight to the bar and then to the dance floor. Plus, there were so many of us we took about half of the dance floor, no doubt. Since it'll probably take me forever to describe everything that happened there, I decided to use some bullets to convey the most important information only:
  • I got hit on by some military guy, but after talking to him for five minutes and realizing that he is a complete idiot, I abandoned him and joined my friends on the dance floor. I did catch an angry look from him at some point during the night, but as you might have figured out, didn't care.
  • Everyone had even more to drink which definitely helped us to "bond" which translated into some serious grinding on a dance floor. I just hope no one remembers anything on Monday.
  • I decided to share a cab home with my co-worker and went outside to wait until he gets some money from an ATM machine.
  • While waiting for him, I saw a guy from my team going home with a girl from our department. Nice! I also hope they pretend nothing happened on Monday.
  • I called a "sober ride" to get a cab home, but was told I have to wait for an hour before they get there. Since my co-worker was nowhere to be found, I decided to take a regular cab instead of freezing my ass off outside.
  • As I was about to hail a cab, I saw another guy from work getting into one and offered to split a ride with him since it turned out we lived close-by. He agreed and so, I could finally go home.
  • By the time I got home, it was 5am and I was so exhausted I couldn't even walk. Seriously, I was limping all the way from the parking to my apartment door.
  • I don't remember what happened next, but apparently I fell asleep since I woke up twenty minutes ago in my bed... Yay, I woke up in my own bed! Alone!

Great times guys...

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