Monday, December 04, 2006

Some good news, some bad news.

Do you ever wonder how one day, or must I say, a mere hour can bring both good and bad news totally unrelated to each other but somehow connected to you? Well, I experienced this first-hand this morning. It all started with an arrival of the twins (not mine, but some random family at work) - I am sure everyone gets this corporate, company-wide email once someone gives birth. Very important and unimaginable to miss, I know. In my department, an arrival of a baby usually means new client subscriptions, which in turn means more work for us. Seriously, my co-worker has been tracking it down and so far it proved to be true. So when the twins arrived, I got a follow up email from him congratulating me on an increased quantity of new clients we were supposedly getting. Great news at ten in the morning, don't you agree? Now imagine my surprise when half an hour later I found out that one of my client terminated their relationship with our company and I no longer will be working with them. Honestly, I was always wondering why they were using us in the first place since we did not do anything they couldn't do themselves and were charging a lot of money for it. I guess it finally hit them. Good for them.
But, as you are probably aware, all cannot be good and peachy. Another half an hour later I found out that still another client of mine requested an urgent meeting which meant I had to prepare a report for them in the next 36 hours. Umm, kind of impossible and a great way to ruin my mood. I guess the scales of destiny or karma or whatever the hell you call it, have to be in a perfect balance...
OK, back to work, I only have 35 1/2 hours left...

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