Friday, March 14, 2008

Free Fall.

Always fascinated with this girl's voice...

Monday, March 10, 2008

A.'s Dream.

I got a text message from my friend A. this morning. It read, "I had a dream about you last night and missed my alarm this morning". Naturally I asked him to tell me about the dream, provided it wasn't inappropriate.
"No, it is not nasty, just weird, and you're going to laugh at me".
"I promise I won't".
So here's what he told me in the course of a dozen text messages...
You and I were driving in my car and we have been driving for more than an hour but we were still in Maryland for some reason. We went to this nice restaurant, it was beautiful and the weather was too... It was around 7pm, perfect time, the sun was fading in the sky and it had a nice reddish sunset look to it... This restaurant was by the water and we were about to order, and we ordered and I was staring at you and thinking, "She looks so good" (you were wearing a green top with some nice jeans and you had some summer heels - your top was kind of like a slip on, no straps). And then we were eating some seafood and other stuff and we were having a good time... and then all of a sudden it was 7:30am this morning so I had to rush to work. Basically, I woke up very late and it was very romantic. I was thinking, "What is it?" but I couldn't help it and just went with it, and I didn't want to wake up because I was busy dreaming while ignoring my alarm...
Now, that definitely makes me want spring to come even stronger.
In the meantime, I told him we should make this dream a reality. I just need to buy a green tube top. Because, apparently, the blue, white, grey, black, navy and red that I have just didn't appear in his dream...
Why couldn't he dream of one of these colors? Puzzles me...

Friday, March 07, 2008

The first time.

Guess what just happened?
I just won two box tickets to the basketball game for next Saturday! Yay. And yes, I don't even watch basketball, but that is so not the point right now. But this is all about experience, and not whether you like a certain thing or not. After all, up until this past October, I've never seen a football game, but after going to the game, I changed my opinion about it and was glued to the tube when the Superbowl was on. So who knows, maybe I'll become just as engaged with basketball... And if not, oh well, I still get to chill out with some food and drinks in a nice setting. And by the way, I checked out the suite, and it looks pretty awesome. I actually cannot wait to go now.
In the meantime, I need to find someone for that second ticket who's just as bored as I am to go to the game. Maybe I'll ask A.
And by the way, did I mention I have a crush on my co-worker? Well, yes I do. I told N. about it and she insisted I make the first move. One thing she fails to understand though is the fact that we work together and I run into him sometimes. Therefore if I get rejected it will be pretty awkward running into him. It's not like a four year old situation with A. when I told him I liked him, but then never saw him again... except for that date we went on. That was different and I wouldn't mind doing it now if I knew I had a space to back out if needed. Here, I don't have that kind of luxury. So now, I am only left with occasional glimpses in the cafeteria or hallways.
In her defense, she did say she wished she could have done something about it...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A very belated celebration.

My friend A. finally decided to celebrate his birthday. As I usually say, better later than never. Because in reality, his actual birthday was almost three weeks ago. He wanted to celebrate it the weekend following the day but I was leaving for my trip just then and definitely couldn't attend. As a result, he decided to postpone it for a bit so that we can have a proper celebration. And finally, the day has come.
I noticed one weird thing, even though A. and I are very good friends, we don't go out together that often. When we do meet up, it's mostly for lunch, or dinner-movie combination, or a local bar, at most. Maybe it's because he's a homeboy, or perhaps it's due to the length of time I've known him and the way our friendship started off.
But I am getting side-tracked here. After much hesitation and going back and forth, we decided to go to [DC lounge] I used to frequent last summer. However, one of his friends got their earlier and apparently the place was packed so everyone promptly changed their plans and went to Georgetown to a place where (gasp) I haven't been before. It was a very nice and cozy lounge and the one thing I liked about it was the fact that the crowd was more sophisticated, shall I say... OK, sophisticated is not the right word here... upscale and grown up, perhaps. It was about eight of us there, but I mostly spent time with A. and his friend P. Even though I've never met her before, I ended up having a blast... although now that I think about it, not knowing someone has never stopped me from having a good time in the past. A.'s other friend disappeared somewhere with her boyfriend, so by the middle of the night, it was only three of us left. And honestly, I don't even want to know how much our tab was. The funny thing was, throughout the night, P. kept telling me how nice and cool I am... well, duh... and then A. said she told him the same thing. Well, I am glad we clicked.
Afterwards, we went to grab a bite and then I was off and A. left to drop P. off. I told him to text me once he was home since I knew he doesn't drink that often and, umm did I mention about the bar tab? I made it home pretty fast though... although who would've expected something different at 4am, and fell asleep while waiting for his text. The next morning, or rather afternoon, I finally got it. As I expected, he had to stay with P. for a little while before he could make sure she was in the right condition to drive home. Oh well, it's all good as long as no one gets hurt in the end. He also didn't fail to mention that she said she "absolutely loved hanging out"... really, did he expect it to be any different... hanging out with charming me, that was the only outcome possible.
Seriously though, I just realized it was the first time I met A.'s friends... well, technically second but the first time I met them, I was in no state to network with anyone.