Friday, February 22, 2008

The actual experience.

So on Wednesday, I allowed myself to ramble on about all the crappy things that happened during the trip. Today, I will focus on the positives, which were plentiful, too.
If I could, I swear I would live there for several months out of a year. Seriously. It is so peaceful and relaxing. It seems like people there have only three speeds, "Slow", "Stop" and "Reverse". And while it's frustrating when you are trying to buy something, it is super calming when it comes to all other aspects. It was such a drastic change from the forever-hectic DC that I was pleasantly surprised.
As I mentioned previously, we went diving every day. We left our hotel at 8am and didn't get back until 6pm. It was a pretty gruesome schedule but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Except, maybe, skydiving... The whole experience of being on the boat, sitting in the back and feeling the sun and salt water on your face was absolutely amazing. Nothing relaxes you more than being underwater, too. It is just unbelievably beautiful and peaceful. It seems as if time itself slows down. I spent anywhere from forty minutes to an hour at a time underwater, and every time it seemed as if only ten minutes have gone by.
The shark dive was also memorable. We actually did two, one regular and one where we fed them. Well, not we per se, but we were watching as they were given fish. My family said I am crazy when I told them I wanted to try it, but really, it was the only reason I went there in the first place. The sharks could care less about us, and did not pay any attention to people swimming past them. Once, I almost landed on it though... I don't think it would have liked it but thankfully I noticed the shark underneath me and managed to get away in time. During the feeding, there were probably around fifty sharks swimming around , once again, completely ignoring us. I sneaked in to pet one even though I wasn't supposed to... my bad. It was really smooth. Not slimy at all, like a grouper than I also touched several times. I think he liked the attention, cause he kept coming back and circling me. The only part that sucked was that it was freezing since we couldn't move around much. Not that anyone wanted to move seeing all these creatures swimming around. At the end of the dive, I managed to find a shark's tooth, which I was very excited about. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who found it, since they lose a lot of teeth when they are eating... so it took away from my thrill a bit. But no big deal. I saved it for later anyway.
The ship wrecks and an airplane wreck were exciting too, although I cut my hands pretty bad when I grabbed some railing trying to move forward. I forgot that it would be very rusty having laid there for who knows how many years.
The damn sun and my subsequent sunburn also ruined all my plans for a date with our boat captain. On our first day diving, he invited me for a night out on a town. Well, first, he somewhat casually inquired if I were married, and when I said no, told me he would like to take me out to show me the island. I was only too happy to accept, but when I woke up the next day and realized how badly I burned, I had to play it down and decline the offer. Damn it, he was so cute... I am still somewhat upset about it.
As a final aftermath of my trip, I got a haircut. The reason being is the same damn sunburn that kept me away from my would-be-fling. So now I am rocking a new hairdo and pretending I intended it to look this way from the start.

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