Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fuck the consequences.

You know what I hate the most? When I know in my head I shouldn't be doing something, and still do it. Take this example... I shouldn't sleep with the copman (my friends gave call him so, as in "How's your copman?", and I kind of stuck with it), I've known the guy for a week. Yet I wanted to and had a feeling it'd happen sooner than later.
We went out last Saturday in Bethesda for a few beers, and then went back to his place to watch a movie and have some more beer. One good thing about his profession? We were speeding on the highway without fearing of being stopped by his fellow policemen. Even if we did, all he had to do was flash a badge and we would be free to go.
Once we got to his place, we got some more beer and after a quick tour around his place (flashbacks, anyone?), decided to watch a movie. First, we were sitting on the opposite ends of the couch. Then he moved to the chase and settled there. Then he decided it'd be more comfortable if he lied down. Then he asked me if I were comfortable. Then he offered me to move to the chase too. So subtle... Could've just asked that from the beginning and not play the delicate games. It was funny though... Once the movie was over though, I found myself making out with him on that same chase. I just couldn't resist, nor did I want to. At some point we moved to his bedroom, although I told him I am not sleeping with him and that I'd be going home pretty soon. He said it was OK. Pretty soon turned into two hours and before we knew it, it was almost 3am. He kept his word and we didn't go past making out, although he did end up without his clothes by the end of the night. He even tried to joke about it, asking me how come he was naked and I still had my clothes on. I just shrugged... not my fault he lost them all. At that point he had about two hours left for sleep so I decided to leave. As I was about to walk out and said good bye, I saw him raise his eyebrows and he asked why I didn't give him a hug or anything... Seriously? It's not like we are seeing each other that I have to give him a good bye kiss at the end of the night. Nonetheless, I did hug him and then went home...
He text messaged me yesterday asking if I wanted to go to the local bar. I agreed and we met up after work to go there. It was fun, and they had their usual special (hint, cheap drinks) so the time just flew by. And then we saw a guy dressed like a girl... It was hilarious... he had muscular build, biceps and all and was wearing a halter top... Amazing. We stayed there a bit longer and went back to his place again. This time I have made up my mind and knew what I wanted to do. So I did... I mean he did... I mean we did. I didn't leave his place until 2am again... poor guy had to be up in three hours, and I was pretty screwed in terms of sleep myself. Oh well, it's not like I have stuff to do at work.
...I noticed that when I want to do something, I rarely look at implications and end up doing it anyway. I figure, if it is something I'd enjoy, why not go ahead and do it regardless of what anyone else thinks? Really, who cares about other's opinion? Don't get me wrong, there are times when it matters but ultimately it is my life and I am free to do whatever pleases me. So I do... Whatever the consequences are.
Anyhow, tomorrow we are going to DC...

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