Thursday, July 26, 2007

Appreciative of my friends.

Today sucked. A lot. I finally heard from my loan officer and, unfortunately, my worst hears have realized. As I suspected before, I cannot qualify as a first-time home buyer since I already have one property in my name... even though I have nothing to do with it. Now I have to come up with another solution if I want to buy something in the near future. And by the way? The guy that my friend recommended for a loan officer? Total dumb ass... don't know why she was so happy with him. Actually, I do... he got paid after dealing with her. Anyhow... I was so upset when I was driving home, my friend caught it in my voice immediately and over the phone. I guess my voice sounded pretty bad because when I got home, I had a message from her on AIM telling me she'd be at my house in fifteen minutes and that I better be ready to go. I tried telling her I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere but she insisted. Did I tell you I love my friends? The one thing I needed the most was to not think about all this mess and to get distracted by something...
L. [my friend] picked me up soon thereafter and we decided to go eat. Well, first I spent about half an hour ogling over her new car. It looks awesome. When she first told me about the color I was suspicious, but it looks nice once you see it. Very hot...
As we were driving to the restaurant, I got a phone call from the guy I met last night. I guess I forgot to mention that I met a guy at [the lounge]... As you've probably guessed, I went out last night... and the night was a blast. OK I take it back... it was good except for the fact that S. got back together with her ex. So we were all sitting outside discussing how stupid her decision was, when I noticed this guy, who was sitting next to us, listening in on our conversation. I nudged my friends lightly to let them know to keep their voices down since we were all talking about personal stuff. I kept watching him and even after we lowered our voices, he was trying to catch our words... no wonder, since only a minute ago we were discussing our past experiences in great detail. And my friend sitting far from me didn't help as I was forced to talk loud in order for her to hear what I was saying in the first place. Finally, the guy gave up and intervened in our conversation. I honestly cannot remember what he said when he addressed me, not that it even matters. I'm sure it was some retaliation for a particularly nasty comment R. made about S.'s ex (did I mention she hates him), but I cannot say for sure. In any case, two minutes later we were heavily involved in the conversation, this time all four of us. The guy was cute and kind of funny, and I had a suspicion he started the conversation to talk to me. I couldn't do much, however, because my friends were with me and we came in together, which meant we were supposed to leave together too. Plus, my friends were trying to do just that... I didn't have much time. Then I got this thought, so I leaned over to S. and said "Can you just say you have to go now and that you can walk me to my car first, before you go home?". She caught on immediately, nodded slightly, and turned to R., "Hey, we need to go home now, it's getting late. Can you walk my friend to her car cause I don't want her walking alone?", that was her addressing the guy. I almost choked on my words. Nevertheless, I replied, "It's alright, I can walk to my car myself". However, the guy said he doesn't mind walking me to the car. Bingo. At that point R. leaned in to me asking if I wanted them to walk me to the car so that I don't have to go with the guy. I smiled and told her I meant for him to do that. She just laughed. We all got up, and the guy asked for my number since I was about to leave. I told him he can walk me to my car first (in reality, I didn't want to walk through DC by myself, even though the area is considered safe). So he did... I don't think he ever caught on the fact that S. said all that on purpose so that I could be alone with him. We chatted all the way to my car and then exchanged numbers. Now guess what? The guy is a cop... imagine me, who's been to court six times in the past four years, with a cop... Not even ten minutes later, R. text messaged me "So how did it go?". I told her we talked for a bit, then exchanged numbers and then each went our way.
"You guys didn't make out?"
"I would have!"
That girl is hilarious. Another five minutes passed and I got a text from S.:
"Where are you at?"
"Driving home". Where do you think I am at...
"How's the guy?"
"He's cool. Said he was going to call tomorrow."
So anyhow, going back to tonight. He did call when L. and I were driving. Apparently, he wanted to see what I was up to. I told him I was busy with friends and offered to meet up over the weekend instead. He agreed so I told him to call me then.
Dinner was pretty uneventful, but L. and I spent an hour afterwards taking pictures of her new car. Now I am sitting in front of my computer trying to post them online. After I played with pictures for a bit, retouching them and enhancing a few features, they look no worse than those posted on their website. Maybe I should reconsider my career choices...

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