Saturday, August 12, 2006

Too assertive?

Did you know how many references to sex there are on E-blogger alone? My latest search revealed "about 14,293,298".... probably more now since it was about half an hour ago... But it's just a thought... no relationship to what I am about to type whatsoever...
I feel proud of myself tonight. I finally paid off all my bills AND got two late fees reversed... can't say it was all nice and smooth.. but mission was accomplished... I just wish all my credit cards would just pay for themselves... so much hassle... not to mention money just flying out from my account... But hey, if I want to spend $200 on a pair of shoes, I have to be responsible enough and pay the damn bill too... right? Which is exactly what I did on my lunch hour two days ago... like I need another pair of shoes.
Oh, by the way, the biggest news - I got my citizenship last week... finally. It's about time. It definitely was a rough day though... getting up at 6 am. Now, maybe things would have been better if I didn't go out the night before and got drunk... correction, tipsy. That was my way of preparing for the exam. I actually ended up studying for the history test in a car on my way there.. Worked out just perfect though... got everything stored in my short- term-memory-part of my brain, and successfully forgot about it moments after the officer stamped my application with "Approved". I am still pretty sure though that I know more about American history than a lot of people who were actually born here... Don't get me wrong, I am excited I got it since now I can actually get a normal job (not that I don't like my current one , but there are better ones out there), and get a better pay so that I can buy my own place. Because let me just tell you, living with parents sucks. But I am sure you already know that too.
But hey, I am getting distracted... it's time to celebrate, don't you think?
Until the next time...

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