Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Birthday Calculator among other things...

I don't know exactly how many people believe in astrology, but judging from all the spam emails I am getting and all the TV commercials I am seeing, quite a few. I am not a strong believer in astrology anyway, but I was browsing recently and cam across this quite interesting tool, a Birthday Calculator. OK, I confess, I am guilty since I tried it out myself but to much of my surprise, most of it is pretty accurate. The other is just funny while totally unnecessary, as in the fact that I can boil 2.74 ounces of water with the calories from heat produced from burning all the candles on my next birthday's cake. Well now, how on earth would I live if I didn't know this information. But seriously, if nothing else, I found out tons of religious facts (as if I was interested), demographics and the date my parents supposedly got busy and hence I was born... now this is just gross. Anyway, I also found out that I am independent, ambitious and assertive among other things... well, I kind of already knew that. Apparently I entered this plane with skills allowing me to become a leader, so all I have to do now is turn 35 and run for President. But wait, I can't because I wasn't born in the U.S.... Damn... there goes my dream. As far as my personal life goes, I am highly compatible with those whose life path numbers are one, five or seven... So if you know anyone who is, let me know. Something else just hit me - you only realize how old you are when you find out that the top songs of the year you were born in are those by Michael Jackson and Police. But jokes aside, it is pretty accurate. If you ever want to visit and check it out, here you go http://www.paulsadowski.org/BirthDay.asp . Let me know the results.
I finally discovered the place to go out on a Saturday night... It's just a small lounge in DC, can't even call it a club... except they do have pretty awesome VIP section. But their music is just so unbelievable and gets you going after about 10 minutes and only one drink. Well, it got me going. To this day, I haven't found anything better, and trust me I looked. Every time I go there, I end up dancing my ass off, having a few drinks and just having a blast. Quite a few people I know go there too, so we end up getting the table most of the time, and the perks are even greater (read hookah and comfy couches). From now on, it is undoubtedly my favorite hang out place... until I find something better that is... Last week wasn't exception and I was there at exactly 11:30 with a friend of mine. Apparently we were the only ones who decided to come out that night since I didn't see one familiar face... there goes our table. But I wouldn't be a party animal if it stopped me. It took us about five seconds to realize that we can have almost as much fun staying on the floor seeing it was just as packed. You have probably already figured out why I am telling you about all this... I am just trying to get to the main point of the story. Damn, that guy was hot! His friend noticed us first and struck up a conversation. I am not saying his friend wasn't cute, but he couldn't even compare to this guy and the moment I saw him I wanted to talk(?!) to him. So I did. I also did some dancing and seriously, if this guy is half as good as he is a dancer, he will not be forgotten. But we did everything according to a well-known scenario - conversation, what-are-you-drinking-can-I-buy-you-a-drink, dancing, shared cigarette, phone number exchange, a standard procedure. Then my friend dropped me off before going home and I shared another cigarette with R. Oh, did I forget to mention that he is damn good kisser? Well, he is and I had about two hours to find out just exactly how skillful he is. I actually forgot how nice it feels to just make out with a guy, nothing more, nothing less. I also made some comment that I shouldn't have but I think he was actually flattered... not what I intended but it worked out better in the end. Long make out story short, I got home around 6am and went to bed exhausted.... my lips were still swollen from all the kissing.
More to follow, cause my fingers are hurting from typing now... not as enjoyable but nevertheless.

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