Thursday, August 31, 2006

Blame the hormones...

I find it very convenient blaming someone else for my mistakes. Just like guys find it suitable to hold their penises responsible for their every mishap, I found it rather appropriate to blame my actions on my hormones. Call it immature and irresponsible if you want...
I honestly didn't think that I will ever hear from the guy I met a few weeks earlier again, R. I mean we met in a club... fine. We danced the whole night - not bad. We made out a little afterwards - definitely hot but doesn't entail any future in a reasonable person's mind. So I, like any reasonable person, successfully forgot about it by the next weekend. After all I was consumed with other more important thoughts, such as what I should wear to a new party. That is, until the following Monday when a very annoying beeping woke me up even before my alarm went off. A new text message. As you imagine, I woke up already irritated which is definitely not a good thing, especially on Monday. I actually thought it was a delayed message from one of my friends asking if I want to join them in some DC lounge. Imagine my surprise though when I realized it was from R. It was one of those casual messages, like we just saw each other yesterday and he decided to follow up. Never mind that almost two weeks elapsed from the moment we met. But hey, I wouldn't be myself if I didn't know how to play casual. In my mind, he quickly moved from "a nice guy" shelf to "a good for a casual fun guy" shelf. And just like I expected, he fit that new category to a tee, and I still thought he was too hot to simply let him go. So I didn't. The rest is history. Dinner, movie, all the works, his place... need I say more? Although he definitely seemed better the first time around... or maybe that was alcohol and initial infatuation. Nonetheless, we both got what we wanted.
I woke up around 3 am with realization that it is Tuesday and I am not retired yet, hence have to be at work in less than six hours. So I left... as I was driving home I couldn't stop but think that there goes another guy and another proof to this theory that a few of my friends and I are trying to test for the past few years. So far it's been working pretty good...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Birthday Calculator among other things...

I don't know exactly how many people believe in astrology, but judging from all the spam emails I am getting and all the TV commercials I am seeing, quite a few. I am not a strong believer in astrology anyway, but I was browsing recently and cam across this quite interesting tool, a Birthday Calculator. OK, I confess, I am guilty since I tried it out myself but to much of my surprise, most of it is pretty accurate. The other is just funny while totally unnecessary, as in the fact that I can boil 2.74 ounces of water with the calories from heat produced from burning all the candles on my next birthday's cake. Well now, how on earth would I live if I didn't know this information. But seriously, if nothing else, I found out tons of religious facts (as if I was interested), demographics and the date my parents supposedly got busy and hence I was born... now this is just gross. Anyway, I also found out that I am independent, ambitious and assertive among other things... well, I kind of already knew that. Apparently I entered this plane with skills allowing me to become a leader, so all I have to do now is turn 35 and run for President. But wait, I can't because I wasn't born in the U.S.... Damn... there goes my dream. As far as my personal life goes, I am highly compatible with those whose life path numbers are one, five or seven... So if you know anyone who is, let me know. Something else just hit me - you only realize how old you are when you find out that the top songs of the year you were born in are those by Michael Jackson and Police. But jokes aside, it is pretty accurate. If you ever want to visit and check it out, here you go . Let me know the results.
I finally discovered the place to go out on a Saturday night... It's just a small lounge in DC, can't even call it a club... except they do have pretty awesome VIP section. But their music is just so unbelievable and gets you going after about 10 minutes and only one drink. Well, it got me going. To this day, I haven't found anything better, and trust me I looked. Every time I go there, I end up dancing my ass off, having a few drinks and just having a blast. Quite a few people I know go there too, so we end up getting the table most of the time, and the perks are even greater (read hookah and comfy couches). From now on, it is undoubtedly my favorite hang out place... until I find something better that is... Last week wasn't exception and I was there at exactly 11:30 with a friend of mine. Apparently we were the only ones who decided to come out that night since I didn't see one familiar face... there goes our table. But I wouldn't be a party animal if it stopped me. It took us about five seconds to realize that we can have almost as much fun staying on the floor seeing it was just as packed. You have probably already figured out why I am telling you about all this... I am just trying to get to the main point of the story. Damn, that guy was hot! His friend noticed us first and struck up a conversation. I am not saying his friend wasn't cute, but he couldn't even compare to this guy and the moment I saw him I wanted to talk(?!) to him. So I did. I also did some dancing and seriously, if this guy is half as good as he is a dancer, he will not be forgotten. But we did everything according to a well-known scenario - conversation, what-are-you-drinking-can-I-buy-you-a-drink, dancing, shared cigarette, phone number exchange, a standard procedure. Then my friend dropped me off before going home and I shared another cigarette with R. Oh, did I forget to mention that he is damn good kisser? Well, he is and I had about two hours to find out just exactly how skillful he is. I actually forgot how nice it feels to just make out with a guy, nothing more, nothing less. I also made some comment that I shouldn't have but I think he was actually flattered... not what I intended but it worked out better in the end. Long make out story short, I got home around 6am and went to bed exhausted.... my lips were still swollen from all the kissing.
More to follow, cause my fingers are hurting from typing now... not as enjoyable but nevertheless.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The end of an era...

I just broke up with this guy I've been seeing... Although I am not sure "broke up" is a correct word. You can't really say "broke up" if you haven't been dating in the first place, am I right? Which we haven't. As I am sure people who are familiar with "Sex and the City" know, the correct term to describe our relationship, or him to be more exact, is a "fuck buddy". So there you go, I just broke up with my "fuck buddy". My friend decided to be supportive of me... in her opinion "Oh wow, I thought you guys are going to get married and have kids together" is very encouraging. Bullshit. I think the fact that we went on a vacation together made her think that. I liked to describe him as my longest non-relationship. We actually lasted about two and a half years... Damn, as I typed it I actually realized how long it has been. What can I say - it's been fun.
It started as an innocent attempt to fix my notebook... which turned into surfing that very notebook for different songs ( I have to admit I have extended and, should I say, pretty awesome song collection)... which turned into watching a movie.. which turned into a few beers... which turned into you get an idea what. Fix the notebook my ass...I We spent about 45 minutes trying to fix it and the next four hours in bed. Now, here's another confession... when I asked him to help me repair it, I was thinking that it would be a great opportunity to sleep with him (which I was after since I met him four months earlier), but I quickly dismissed that idea and the evening I went to his place I didn't even think something would happen... if I did, I would have definitely worn lacier and racier undergarments... trust me. But then another thing I noticed with guys - they don't give a crap about your underwear and it usually comes off with your clothing... so for all they care you can wear granny panties and they wouldn't notice. But I am getting distracted here. Anyway, as I was driving home the next morning, I mentally added another notch on my headboard naming him a one-night-stand-shit-happens-now-all-our-mutual-friends-will-know-about-it kind of guy. Apparently he thought differently because a few days later I got a call from him, and since I was single at that point, nothing was holding me from seeing him again... and again... and again. Before I knew it, it turned into some sort of a habit, and now my every Thursday and sometimes Sunday was booked. But I am just rambling here now, and it's not my goal to tell all about this non-relationship.
I totally blame my job for this. And him of course. He couldn't deal with the fact that my job came first and I had to cancel of him two times in a row. Oh, and maybe the fact that I cursed him out the last time I blew him off... I just don't need some guy telling me how "not nice" it is to cancel plans twice while I am trying to work with three of my clients at the same time who "just need everything to be done by 9am the following morning". It's not like we are dating. So sorry, he is not going to pay my bills and someone definitely has to (hint, hint... me), therefore I stayed late at work. In fact, I stayed until about 10pm wrapping up everything.
I didn't really expect to hear from him again after that and I for sure am not about to call him first. The fact is I started having reservations about this relationship a few months ago. The whole thing was definitely fun in the beginning but two years later it simply became old. And if I closed my eyes in the beginning I wasn't about to do it now. You know what's the worst thing a guy can do to turn me off? It is not cheating... it is lying to me. And with time I could read his face and I knew when he was lying... and hated it. Because he did it quite often. C'mon, just be a man and tell me the truth... how hard can it be? Now I am not going to sit here and say that I didn't try to turn it into something more serious (read consistent) in the beginning, but when I realized that he has been dishonest with me on numerous occasions, my desire just evaporated.
It definitely is the end of an era... I am not paying for his bed though.
The thing that concerns me the most is that I either have to find myself a boyfriend or another fuck buddy because life without sex is pretty vanilla... But I am sure you already know that.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Too assertive?

Did you know how many references to sex there are on E-blogger alone? My latest search revealed "about 14,293,298".... probably more now since it was about half an hour ago... But it's just a thought... no relationship to what I am about to type whatsoever...
I feel proud of myself tonight. I finally paid off all my bills AND got two late fees reversed... can't say it was all nice and smooth.. but mission was accomplished... I just wish all my credit cards would just pay for themselves... so much hassle... not to mention money just flying out from my account... But hey, if I want to spend $200 on a pair of shoes, I have to be responsible enough and pay the damn bill too... right? Which is exactly what I did on my lunch hour two days ago... like I need another pair of shoes.
Oh, by the way, the biggest news - I got my citizenship last week... finally. It's about time. It definitely was a rough day though... getting up at 6 am. Now, maybe things would have been better if I didn't go out the night before and got drunk... correction, tipsy. That was my way of preparing for the exam. I actually ended up studying for the history test in a car on my way there.. Worked out just perfect though... got everything stored in my short- term-memory-part of my brain, and successfully forgot about it moments after the officer stamped my application with "Approved". I am still pretty sure though that I know more about American history than a lot of people who were actually born here... Don't get me wrong, I am excited I got it since now I can actually get a normal job (not that I don't like my current one , but there are better ones out there), and get a better pay so that I can buy my own place. Because let me just tell you, living with parents sucks. But I am sure you already know that too.
But hey, I am getting distracted... it's time to celebrate, don't you think?
Until the next time...