Sunday, July 09, 2006

A rebel in me...

I've been thinking for a while now about getting this new tattoo. It's basically some Chinese/Japanese symbols written across my left shoulder-blade. Actually not across, but vertically. Something like two lines, six hieroglyphs in left column and four in the right. I've already come up with what I want it to say, I just need to find someone to spell it for me. Actually, my former Japanese classmate was able to spell part of it in Japanese, so now I only have to get my friend to write out the rest of it in Chinese... I just hope she can use the language. She's playing tennis right now, so I guess I have to wait till she comes back to DC. I was going to go to the salon at first and have them translate it for me, but then I read somewhere that the same character can be used in Chinese, Japanese or Korean language and may mean slightly different things in each of them. So I figured I'd rather wait then end up with "silly" instead of "funny". As you can see, both words are close and potentially harmless, but mean totally different things when used in speech. Another thing I am afraid of is that it would look ugly or too big or the opposite - too small. That's why I've been leaning towards mendhi first. That way I can try it out and if I like, get a real thing. The problem I encountered now is finding a place who actually does it. Apparently no one wants to deal with it... I'm upset.
I was reluctant in the past to get a tattoo on a visible part of my body (as in visible with clothes on), that's why I strategically placed one on my stomach a few years back. It worked out just fine, let me tell you... for a year or so. Until one morning I forgot about it (rough night anyone?) and paraded in front of my dad with my belly hanging out and the drawing exposed. And should I say he wasn't happy? I think in his mind tattoo equates to prison. Which was true to some extent when he was young, but obviously not anymore. And after he thought I wouldn't go further than four piercings, I got this heinous picture! But I really, really, did I say really?, like it. Besides, it's something that I wanted since I was 14 so the moment I turned 18 and got my first paycheck, I went ahead with this idea. I know I would also have to face my family once they see it and critique it (not because they don't like it, rather that how could a girl who is so responsible and dependable could draw a picture on herself). My grandmother would definitely have a heart attack, so no more tank tops in front of her.
I want to get this done sometime before the end of October... still have a bit of time. Since I hold a corporate job and have to behave around my family, I figured why not subtly rebel in some other areas, such as body art and body piercings? Don't you agree?

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