Thursday, July 20, 2006

No apologies.

I really thought I kicked that nasty habit I had. Apparently not because the moment I got to my car this morning, I knew I wanted a cigarette. Unfortunately I finished my last pack the night before - I always smoke a lot when I go out. Another bad habit by the way. On my way to work I decided not to fight with my hungover body and mind, so I stopped by the gas station and bought a new pack. As I was paying for it, I overheard a cashier and some lady talking about them quitting smoking and how much better they feel once they did. Is that a sign from above? As in, girl you party and smoke too much, so maybe it's about time you stopped? Slowed down at least? Tried to? No thanks. I like my life just the way it is and make no apologies for the way I live. My friend recently called me on it criticizing my lifestyle. The one thing that was going through my mind at that point was this strong desire to tell her that just a few years back she was no different than me and enjoyed it. Then, for whatever reasons (which I am not going to mention here), she was forced to make different choices and dramatically change her act. Not once since it happened did she hear me disapprove of her actions. Well, maybe once, initially. But that was all. Afterwards, I never mentioned what I think about the whole ordeal. So now I was standing there wondering why she's telling me all this shit. Why would she blame me for constantly being out, be it in a club, or at Starbucks, or at the Waterfront. Sometimes I feel as if she wants those times to return so that everything could be as it once was. Well guess what? Sometimes I wish for that too. However, I try to be realistic enough to understand that no matter how great it once was, it would never be the same again. So the only thing that's left is to smile every time those memories come to life and be thankful that you had an opportunity to be that way.
By the way, I found a new activity for my usually boring Sunday nights, or evenings to be more exact. People who know me would probably laugh in my face if they found out what it is, and those who don't would think I am weird. This new activity is Barnes and Nobles. Or, more specifically, reading there while having a cup of latte. When the idea first crossed my mind I thought I was crazy too, but now that I've been doing it for a few weeks, I highly recommend it. It definitely is a nice alternative to mind-numbing TV and Internet. And you can actually learn something. And it totally relaxes you. And clears your head. Honestly. So from now on I decided to spend my every Sunday (or almost every Sunday) doing exactly that. I say almost because I still go to the Waterfront a lot, but once the weather starts getting cold, I won't have this opportunity anymore. Besides, no matter how fun DC is, I need a break from it from time to time. So there we go... my new favorite thing to do is reading. Who would have thought...
Now all I need is to learn how to cook, because I don't think scrambled eggs counts as cooking...

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