Monday, October 06, 2008

Absolutely amazing.

Slowly but surely I keep crossing things off my To Do list. This time, I can finally announce that I crossed off white water rafting. I went with a group of friends, seven of us altogether and the plan was to go for the weekend, camp and rest Friday, go rafting Saturday, coming back home Sunday afternoon.
I have to admit that my greatest fear going into it wasn't the one of drowning (an excellent swimmer as I am), but of freezing my butt off at night. And guess what, I was right... the weather during the day couldn't have been more beautiful, but as soon as the sun was down, the temperature dropped twenty or so degrees within ten minutes. Praise to whoever invented fire.
The trip down the river was breathtaking and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. The contrast of going into a rapid and knowing you may crash and sitting in the raft taking in the surrounding mountains was quite magnificent as was flying down the river at the rocks in front of you seeing them approach faster than you can blink. Thankfully, we did great thanks to our amazing skill and, most of all, to our amazing guide. That guy was forty years old and hot, hot, hot. More like sizzling. Which still haven't kept me warm at night. Nor did three pairs of pants, five shirts, two pairs of socks, a blanket, a sleeping bag and my friend I was sharing the tent with. Which brings me to my next point - it is cold no matter what you are wearing or how many beers you've had. Totally worth it though.
Now that I think about, I can cross off one more dream off my list, and that would be shooting a gun. Considering we were in West Virginia where people shoot them like it's no one's business, I didn't think it was a big deal if I tried it too. Honestly? An awesome experience. Forget the fact that I missed every single time I fired, it was still great. My excuse for missing? I was shooting a .44 caliber gun which was so heavy I could barely hold it with two hands and every time I'd fire it, the barrel kicked back so hard I was more worried of not dropping it. Fortunately, no one made fun of me. At least not to my face...
Waiting for pictures and the video now... To look at the raft from another perspective, so to speak.

1 comment:

? said...

An American friend of mine loves deer hunting although I see you are also learning to shoot. You must love the wildlife.

I guess the beauty of rafting is that no previous experience is needed to enjoy its exhilarating effect. Have you tried Turkey? It’s known to have some very excellent rivers for rafting.

How gratifying, crossing things of ones list really is. I am also into the art of the to-do list although I keep under 30 items. This time of year seems to have less to-do lists written than any other time of year.

Thanks for dropping by.