Friday, March 07, 2008

The first time.

Guess what just happened?
I just won two box tickets to the basketball game for next Saturday! Yay. And yes, I don't even watch basketball, but that is so not the point right now. But this is all about experience, and not whether you like a certain thing or not. After all, up until this past October, I've never seen a football game, but after going to the game, I changed my opinion about it and was glued to the tube when the Superbowl was on. So who knows, maybe I'll become just as engaged with basketball... And if not, oh well, I still get to chill out with some food and drinks in a nice setting. And by the way, I checked out the suite, and it looks pretty awesome. I actually cannot wait to go now.
In the meantime, I need to find someone for that second ticket who's just as bored as I am to go to the game. Maybe I'll ask A.
And by the way, did I mention I have a crush on my co-worker? Well, yes I do. I told N. about it and she insisted I make the first move. One thing she fails to understand though is the fact that we work together and I run into him sometimes. Therefore if I get rejected it will be pretty awkward running into him. It's not like a four year old situation with A. when I told him I liked him, but then never saw him again... except for that date we went on. That was different and I wouldn't mind doing it now if I knew I had a space to back out if needed. Here, I don't have that kind of luxury. So now, I am only left with occasional glimpses in the cafeteria or hallways.
In her defense, she did say she wished she could have done something about it...

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