Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dull times with just a bit of spice.

The past few weeks haven't yielded much to me, both in terms of personal or professional life. I have been mostly preoccupied with my new job, trying to pick up the responsibilities and the general layout of the department. I cannot say I was highly successful ... most of the time I feel like an idiot. There are about a hundred things going on and people have a tendency of throwing the acronyms around... and most of the time I cannot tell the difference between the two. At the end of the day, everything is so scrambled in my head that I don't even attempt to figure anything out. My director told me it takes about six months to learn everything, so I am waiting. Patience is a virtue.
My personal front haven't changed much, and everything is going as it has for the past month or two. My ex A. reappeared though and for some reason insisting on us meeting up again. This time, mildly. Which, for him, is a huge accomplishment. We tentatively made plans to meet up "sometimes soon" after he assured me he will "not try to get into my pants". Judging from our past experiences, I'd rather he didn't. Having not heard from him this weekend, I have figured we'd postpone our drinks yet again, when I ran into him while walking down Foggy Bottom. Great... Isn't DC big enough for the two of us? We managed to stay civilized this time though, having exchanged a few words, mostly meaningless. Then, remembering to stay polite, I made some small talk with his friends, and left. Well, at least it seems like he's made his peace. For what it's worth...
I feel like I am slowly coming back to my former self, actually craving being out and about again...

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