Monday, July 24, 2006

Fun by the Waterfront.

So my friend woke me up early yesterday bitching at me for sleeping so long. I have to give it to her, it was almost 3pm. On the other hand, I do sleep in on the weekends, especially if I went out the night before. It's my thing, so let it go. Once she was done, she suggested we meet up in the evening and go to the Waterfront to finish our weekend with a bang. Hey, no objections from me here, the weather was perfect, my mood was even better - so after a quick shower and breakfast (yes, I had breakfast at 4pm), I met her in downtown DC and we headed for our favorite spot by the Waterfront. As I expected, it was completely packed so we didn't have a choice but to hang out by the bar. Soon thereafter, another friend of ours showed up with her boyfriend and now we were just chatting and drinking. Apparently, our conversation got a bit too loud, because I started noticing people around giving us looks. Not the what-the fuck-are-they-doing looks, but just checking us out. We finally spotted three chairs freeing up on the terrace, so my friend made a run for them and soon we were sitting down enjoying our conversation. I have to admit it got a little out of hand as we started talking about sex and our past and current men and their habits. Before I knew it, three or four other guys joined in on the conversation and our little group soon turned into a circle of approximately eight people yapping away and everything and nothing at the same time. I immediately noticed one guy who was sitting across from me: tall, handsome, buffed and tanned. You have to agree, he couldn't have not caught my attention. Unfortunately, there was one tiny little problem - he was there with his girlfriend so I quickly lost interest in him (since I don't have a habit of going after taken guys), yet decided to carry on our conversation because he was funny as hell too. On the other hand, he didn't seem to mind her being present there and kept checking me out and flirting with me. It made me a bit uncomfortable (once again, I didn't want to get him in a trouble), but the funniest thing was that his girlfriend did not seem to care about us openly flirting and was even encouraging it. And hey, if she didn't care, why should I, right? I honestly do not remember who brought it up first, but from then point on things have really heated up. I believe it all started with some guy there daring my friends to kiss, which they did just to make him finally shut up. I think they got tired of hearing his oh-you-girls-will-never-kiss-each-other routine. My friend in turn, dared him to strip down right then and there. Naturally, he got embarrassed and said he would never do it first. Since my friend is a dancer at a well-known gentleman club, she flashed him (and everyone else for that matter). Then my other friend flashed him too. At that point the guy was simply speechless, I am sure he did not expect to get so lucky on a Sunday night. They dared me to flash them too, but I refused. Don't take me wrong, I am proud of what I have but have no desire to share it with the world. To make up for it, the hot guy's girlfriend dared me to kiss him in front on everyone. As you probably guessed, I did not protest a bit, I already liked the guy. Turns out, he is a great kisser too. She then kissed him immediately after me and looked at me as if saying "Do you want to keep going". I just smiled. We made out a little bit more and then he offered me to go home with them for a little fun. The girlfriend just kept convincing me to join them for a little fun. Sounds tempting, minus the girl. After all, the guy was H-O-T. I did consider it for a moment, but then realized that there is no chance of me getting my hands on him alone, so I dropped that idea. It didn't mean though that we couldn't have a little bit more of a good time right then and there. If I am not mistaken, we kept making out for another hour or so, and I must admit I kissed his girlfriend at some point. You should have seen the look on his face. The guy was actually thinking that he was going to bed both of us tonight. Silly, silly, silly. Besides, his girl wasn't that good of a kisser... and I never had any desire to sleep with a girl anyway.
We ended up staying by the Waterfront until about 1am. At that point absolutely everyone was hammered and we decided to call it a night. I was about to leave as the guy pulled me aside and asked if I wanted to go home with them... and this time he was serious. I told him no, but I wouldn't mind kissing him some more. So we did, and then all of us started walking to our cars to head home. Now, I am not exactly sure when (probably when I was talking to my friends), but the guy told his girl that I agreed to go home with them. Bad idea, very bad idea. It is one thing to fool around while having a few drinks, and another telling your girlfriend you are actually serious about sleeping with someone else. I think what made him say that was the fact that she offered it first herself. In any case, she got really, really, and I mean really mad at him, threw his cellphone on the ground and started walking away. He wanted to stay with me but I told him to stop acting stupid, go home with his girl and make it up to her. Which he did. The last time i saw them they were hugging and it seemed like things were back to normal between them.
I had a few laughs with my friends and then headed home. On my way back I kept thinking about that couple and I hope she forgave him. After all, if I said we were hammered, she was just wasted. Gone. It was definitely fun to make out with them a bit, and neither of us mind it at the time, but I am sure that deep down neither she nor I wanted to take it further. I guess the problem was the guy didn't realize how drunk she was and took her invites seriously, actually hoping to have his first threesome. As for me, I have to admit I was flattered they both asked me home, but is it really something I would ever want to do? I don't think so. Therefore, I just limited myself to some innocent flirting and fun. After all, my MO is do whatever you want as long as you are cool with it and as long as you are having fun and not hurting anyone else. Thankfully, it didn't go this far that night and everyone got out just fine. With some undeniably fond memories...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

No apologies.

I really thought I kicked that nasty habit I had. Apparently not because the moment I got to my car this morning, I knew I wanted a cigarette. Unfortunately I finished my last pack the night before - I always smoke a lot when I go out. Another bad habit by the way. On my way to work I decided not to fight with my hungover body and mind, so I stopped by the gas station and bought a new pack. As I was paying for it, I overheard a cashier and some lady talking about them quitting smoking and how much better they feel once they did. Is that a sign from above? As in, girl you party and smoke too much, so maybe it's about time you stopped? Slowed down at least? Tried to? No thanks. I like my life just the way it is and make no apologies for the way I live. My friend recently called me on it criticizing my lifestyle. The one thing that was going through my mind at that point was this strong desire to tell her that just a few years back she was no different than me and enjoyed it. Then, for whatever reasons (which I am not going to mention here), she was forced to make different choices and dramatically change her act. Not once since it happened did she hear me disapprove of her actions. Well, maybe once, initially. But that was all. Afterwards, I never mentioned what I think about the whole ordeal. So now I was standing there wondering why she's telling me all this shit. Why would she blame me for constantly being out, be it in a club, or at Starbucks, or at the Waterfront. Sometimes I feel as if she wants those times to return so that everything could be as it once was. Well guess what? Sometimes I wish for that too. However, I try to be realistic enough to understand that no matter how great it once was, it would never be the same again. So the only thing that's left is to smile every time those memories come to life and be thankful that you had an opportunity to be that way.
By the way, I found a new activity for my usually boring Sunday nights, or evenings to be more exact. People who know me would probably laugh in my face if they found out what it is, and those who don't would think I am weird. This new activity is Barnes and Nobles. Or, more specifically, reading there while having a cup of latte. When the idea first crossed my mind I thought I was crazy too, but now that I've been doing it for a few weeks, I highly recommend it. It definitely is a nice alternative to mind-numbing TV and Internet. And you can actually learn something. And it totally relaxes you. And clears your head. Honestly. So from now on I decided to spend my every Sunday (or almost every Sunday) doing exactly that. I say almost because I still go to the Waterfront a lot, but once the weather starts getting cold, I won't have this opportunity anymore. Besides, no matter how fun DC is, I need a break from it from time to time. So there we go... my new favorite thing to do is reading. Who would have thought...
Now all I need is to learn how to cook, because I don't think scrambled eggs counts as cooking...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A rebel in me...

I've been thinking for a while now about getting this new tattoo. It's basically some Chinese/Japanese symbols written across my left shoulder-blade. Actually not across, but vertically. Something like two lines, six hieroglyphs in left column and four in the right. I've already come up with what I want it to say, I just need to find someone to spell it for me. Actually, my former Japanese classmate was able to spell part of it in Japanese, so now I only have to get my friend to write out the rest of it in Chinese... I just hope she can use the language. She's playing tennis right now, so I guess I have to wait till she comes back to DC. I was going to go to the salon at first and have them translate it for me, but then I read somewhere that the same character can be used in Chinese, Japanese or Korean language and may mean slightly different things in each of them. So I figured I'd rather wait then end up with "silly" instead of "funny". As you can see, both words are close and potentially harmless, but mean totally different things when used in speech. Another thing I am afraid of is that it would look ugly or too big or the opposite - too small. That's why I've been leaning towards mendhi first. That way I can try it out and if I like, get a real thing. The problem I encountered now is finding a place who actually does it. Apparently no one wants to deal with it... I'm upset.
I was reluctant in the past to get a tattoo on a visible part of my body (as in visible with clothes on), that's why I strategically placed one on my stomach a few years back. It worked out just fine, let me tell you... for a year or so. Until one morning I forgot about it (rough night anyone?) and paraded in front of my dad with my belly hanging out and the drawing exposed. And should I say he wasn't happy? I think in his mind tattoo equates to prison. Which was true to some extent when he was young, but obviously not anymore. And after he thought I wouldn't go further than four piercings, I got this heinous picture! But I really, really, did I say really?, like it. Besides, it's something that I wanted since I was 14 so the moment I turned 18 and got my first paycheck, I went ahead with this idea. I know I would also have to face my family once they see it and critique it (not because they don't like it, rather that how could a girl who is so responsible and dependable could draw a picture on herself). My grandmother would definitely have a heart attack, so no more tank tops in front of her.
I want to get this done sometime before the end of October... still have a bit of time. Since I hold a corporate job and have to behave around my family, I figured why not subtly rebel in some other areas, such as body art and body piercings? Don't you agree?