Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I'm too cool to have a title!

Haha, now I definitely remember why I broke up with A. in the first place. Actually no, the real reason is much much simpler, but may seem way more superficial for some people, although still very very important for me. I haven't even been talking to him for 10 minutes and he already managed to annoy me to death. He started off with saying he's sorry he has been an ass and everything and that I must be mad at him. The truth is, I was simply disappointed rather than mad. I guess we wanted different things - I wanted to keep him as a friend, he wanted to keep dating me. And now it seems like he changed his mind. Therefore all I've trying to do during our conversation is to let him know that I don't really want to go out with him to... Well, pretty much anywhere. That doesn't mean though that I will not meet him for drinks, but I am just way to tired to go out tonight. Unless, of course it involves some dancing, in which case I definitely don't want him dragging along.
Hmm, still deciding if I should go out. In the meantime I found out that he colored his hair blond and got an ear ring. What's next? A gender-changing operation? Haha, now I'm curious to see how it all looks.
It's weird though ... How someone can be so attracted to a person at a certain period, and then have absolutely no feelings for them the other. Although, anyone would get turned off after just one try.
Wow, in the past 30 minutes, I got an invitation to go have some drinks, to go to DC, to go for a bike ride or to walk his dog - apparently whichever I prefer, or go have a massage tomorrow. Seems like a bit too much for me. I guess some people just don't realize that others actually work, instead of doing absolutely nothing all day and pretending they are going to school.
It was so weird at work today to hear that "the new kids are coming down this Wednesday so you have to clean out any unused desks in your areas". About time - our unused desk served a purpose of a kitchen and a storage, as well as an occasional game place. What's weird though, is that I am not a new kid anymore. And I just started here - or it seems so, although in reality it has been about three months. It's a weird feeling when I realized that now I have to actually mentor someone, and that some other people would come in to ask me questions and I won't be the only one running around. Though I still feel like I am the one who needs mentoring and not at all in shape to mentor some other kids. I wonder if I see someone from school there that I know, would be so cool. I also wish my friend came working there, that would be fun as hell. Hell of a way to spend my work days. So check this out, except for this week, which has been so extremely busy since I got a new client that I don't like already, my usual 9 am to 5pm day is as follows:
-- I get to work around 9:30, especially if I went out the previous night
-- I have my morning coffee and read some news until about 10:30, while simultaneously trying to wake up
-- I actually do some work until about noon, so my day is not entirely wasteful
-- I take my one-hour lunch at about 12 until 2pm
-- Once I come back, I do some crosswords, solve Sudoku and other puzzle and read a fresh doze of news.
-- Finally I leave around 4:45 hoping to beat the traffic.
So, as you can see, it all can be very tiring and exhausting.
Wow, at least I got something from this otherwise useless conversation just now with A. - I found out the exact name and approximate location of this new club everyone was talking about. Definitely have to get to work tomorrow and tell my co-worker about it- he was so anxious to find out where it is once he went there. Apparently, when he was there he wasn't in a state where he could actually recognize the place or location, let alone read a sign with a name of a club. Oh well, been there, done that.
Now on top of all the perks I've been offered in the past hour, I was also invited to this exclusive club, which is, apparently, extremely hard to get in to unless you have connections. I guess that was a hint that he is my connection. I feel like I am being offered a some sort of dowry just so we can meet up... Extremely annoying.. Although at this point I am almost laughing.
Well, going to go keep laughing or simply go out.....

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