Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It's amusing how quickly I forgot what it is having a nasty weather and pouring rain. But it is exactly what I came home to last night. It was such a harsh transition from what seemed to be an eternal sunshine that my mood sunk just as fast as rain droplets disappeared in puddles I was passing by. Don't you just love it when you're in this philosophical mood...
I'll try to make everything as compact as possible. Hopefully, no more than two posts.
So, last Wednesday night, after I was finally done with my packing (I hate packing, by the way), I went to DC to meet several friends and make my last night before departure as entertaining as possible. I finally made it there by 12:30am (whose fault is it that I started packing at 11PM?) when everyone was already there. As soon as I got there, I found R. and R. and also ran into M., who apparently just came back from overseas as well. We all proceeded downstairs where we found S. and as R. and R. joined him on the dance floor, M. and I made our way to the bar. We chatted up a bit and I found out that he is going back in a few weeks. Perfect life... paid vacations and spending more time outside of work than at it.
Soon thereafter, R. and R. left, but we stayed till the place closed down. That was a bad decision number one. S. was dragging his feet and we didn't get out of there until 3am. On our way to pick up the equipment, I found out that he didn't even pack. Bad decision number two. I could understand if he was working earlier and didn't have time, but I knew for sure he was off that day, so I couldn't comprehend the fact that he wasn't ready yet. Because of that, we left the house late and were doing 90-something miles an hour in order to drop my car off and still make it to the airport. Trust me, it's not the best way to go at 4am on the empty roads when you had several drinks. I just don't get it.
We made it to National an hour before the plane's departure. It was just our luck that the plane was delayed and we got some extra time to get the tickets and check in our luggage. One observation I made though, was that during out long luggage haul through the airport, S. didn't offer his help once. Not once. Despite the fact that I had two huge bags and a carry-on, and he was twice my size. I have to admit it, it ticked me off. Perhaps it's just me, but in my world, guys offer their help if they see the girl is struggling with something. I never had it happened where I went on a vacation or was simply carrying heave bags when a guy was there. They would always offer their help. Not him. And I am saying that not because I hypothetically couldn't carry the bags myself. No, it is just a common courtesy to offer some help. And going a bit ahead of myself, he never offered any help. Not when we were changing planes in Philly, not on our way back. Anyhow, moving on.
We got to our hotel that afternoon and the first thing I wanted to do was go downtown and walk around a bit since we weren't supposed to be doing anything that Thursday. The first thing S. wanted to do was to get food and go to sleep. Really, is that why people go on vacation? To sleep? After almost half an hour of convincing him, we went downtown to grab some food and look around. Oh well, at least I got something out of it.
The next few days were pretty much a blur, since all we did was dive. We spent every day on the boat enjoying the weather. At the end of the day, I wanted to go out, but S. was always tired and didn't express any desire to go anywhere, so we stayed in watching TV and eating pizza. Fun... The Sunday morning before we left, he said he wanted to go out once we get back from the ocean. However, as soon as we got home that afternoon, he went to bed without mentioning anything. The next day, he asked why I didn't wake him up. Really, did he actually get a nerve to ask me that? Normally, when a person goes to sleep without telling me to wake them up, I assume they don't want to do anything... That's a reasonable assumption, right? Well, according to him, I was supposed to wake him up. That's not the rule in my world, I'm sorry. Usually, when a person tells me something, I rely on them to follow through with it. Not the other way around.
Honestly speaking, by Monday I was happy I was going home. Back to my world.
Our flight back was a bit bumpy, but it didn't matter since I was looking forward to going home. I did manage to buy the last-minute souvenirs for my family in case they try to guilt me about it later...
OK, enough for this post, it's already runneth over.

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