Friday, October 10, 2008

A Joke.

I'd be angry too at this, if someone dared to compare my family's honor to our dear and beloved John McCain. Yes, as you've probably guessed, I watched the debate. I really don't want to get into too much details about the issues that were brought up, if I do, this post will run for ages and bore the hell out of me. So instead, I'll do what I do best - mock the candidate I liked the least.
Seriously, though this was the first time I saw McCain speak for longer than five minutes and only now have I noticed how old he looks. And his doctors can publish a hundred more health reports, I won't be convinced otherwise... perception is, after all, everything.
If anyone asked me a week ago, I would say I didn't like either of the candidates - I thought Obama lacked experience and disagreed with the majority of McCain's propositions. Now however, I am leaning more and more towards Obama (I have to say having that insane deer-hunting Palin swung me towards Obama in almost an instant). However, on top of everything else, Obama has presence when he speaks which, in my eyes, means a lot since he will have to do hell of a lot of repair work with foreign nations. And having someone likable is a big plus when you are trying to win some respect back. One more thing I will say before shutting up on political issues - I really didn't like how McCain was trying to appeal to the public by answering the questions in a way that would please all. For instance, when Brokaw asked both to prioritize on energy, health care and entitlement issues, McCain claimed he can work on all three at the same time. Bullshit. These issues are far too big and important to tackle them simultaneously. What it's going to do is disperse the resources without fixing either one of them. And he was just as much a joke in many other issues, which I promised earlier not to address here.
At last, one interesting thing I noticed, was how the candidates each wore ties the color of their party. Understandable. What was more intriguing though, was that their wives wore dresses the color of the opposite party.
Coincidence? Or a blatant attempt to appeal to the other side?

1 comment:

? said...

not many strange coincidences have happened lately. At least not anything worth stopping me from having a weird dream about bees?