So, another week has passed and now I have so much to talk about, I don't know where to start. I should probably write more often to avoid having a 10,000-words-blogs. Alright, I guess I'll start from the beginning. Oh, and let me just tell you, I hate this time change. Not only do I feel unusually tired right now, but I also kept waking up all night and ended up getting up at 11am, getting only six hours of sleep. But enough about that, back to a more important things.
I finally met my friend Aaron on Tuesday for a few beers. Rock Bottom definitely rocks, their beers are among the best I ever had. I decided to take off work for about an hour and a half, and then come back and finish whatever I had left to do. I had a blast talking with him, but then again, I always do when we meet. Unfortunately I had to get back to work, so he left rather soon, promising to send me some flowers from Canada... Let me tell you a little secret - it is so much fun to work while you are slightly hammered. I finished the amount of work it usually takes me an hour to complete in twenty minutes. I don't guarantee quality, but I haven't heard any complaints yet, and it's almost been a week; therefore I assumed everything was perfect.
Moving on to Wednesday... if you remember I was supposed to meet up with R. this Wednesday. Which I did. Which I will never do again... most likely. Seriously, either I was drunk the last time we met, or had a temporary memory loss. While I can't say it was bad, I can definitely point out that it wasn't particularly hot either. Lukewarm at best. I mean I understand that he was tired and so was I, but it definitely did not live up to my expectations. Therefore, I am only devoting a 100 words or less to the entire story before moving on to my weekend.
Halloween... Even though I wanted to dress up at first, the weather definitely changed my mind. Listening to all that wind howling outside my window made me hesitant about wearing a short skirt and a spaghetti-straps top for a night out. Since we didn't go to a theme party, but rather to a regular lounge bash, I didn't feel the need to dress up. Turns out, not a bad choice after all. I would say only approximately 10% of people there wore costumes so I didn't feel awkward or left out. It really started out as a great night. Awesome music, nice crowd, good drinks... Started out is a key word here. As I was ordering some drinks for my friends and I, some guy striked up a conversation with me. I only glanced at him once to know I don't like him so I made a small polite talk while waiting for a bartender (and damn did he take long) and headed to a dance floor to join my friends. As we danced I felt someone pulling me over to the side. I turned around, and sure thing, it was the same guy who tried talking to me at the bar. Since he wasn't entirely unpleasant, I didn't immediately brushed him off and asked him what he wanted. He said that his friend wants to talk to me. Is he running a dating service in a club? But anyway, his friend turned out to be quite funny and we spent the next fifteen minutes chatting. I wasn't particularly interested in him but he was able to hold a decent conversation so I was actually enjoying his company. He then told me he thinks he knows me from somewhere. My first thought - I never met him before nor did my friends nor any of us ever been involved with this guy (this is when you actually feel relieved that none of it happened). This is exactly what I told him and we went on chatting. About ten minutes later he repeated the whole thing about meeting me prior again. Now, I was absolutely sure I have never met him before. Even though I am terrible with names, I am fairly good with faces and would remember if I saw him before (because he would have definitely caught my attention had I seen him). But my weekend wouldn't be complete if all ended at that. His next phrase came as a blow to the head.
- Aren't you the girl was seeing my friend a few months back (his friend as in, R.).
My jaw just hit the floor. Silence. If it weren't for the music, you could hear crickets chirping. I guess he saw me when I first met his friend in that same club when he introduced me to all the people he came with. There were so many of them, there was no way I could remember all their faces.
After about thirty seconds I fake laughed and mumbled something like, "Yes, that is me".
-So what happened between you guys?
-Well, it sort of didn't work out.
He then went on and made a joke saying that he broke up with my party boy and left him for another man (it was this silly inside joke him, his friends and I made up when I first met him). But from then on, we both felt uncomfortable, so I said I had to go check on my friends and left.
How fucked up is that?! Now I can guarantee that he will go straight back to R. and tell him that he saw me. Why on earth, out of all girls in the club he decided to hit on me, and then recognize me? Why can't I spend at least one weekend without some sort of adventure? I can almost see the text message from the party boy asking since when am I hanging out with his friends. And the most messed up part? The one that actually got me pissed and ruined my night? When I saw all these guys standing in a circle listening to my earlier encounter talking and staring in my direction. What the fuck?!
When I thought my night couldn't get any worse, my friend called me and said she is going to stop by with her boyfriend. This fact in itself wasn't bad at all, until I saw that she brought some guy along with her, apparently to set me up with. I really thought she had a better taste. I just ignored the poor guy and danced with my friends. After all, I am not obligated to dance with someone I don't want, right? Besides, my night was spoiled and I didn't want to ruin it for someone else too by being rude or not paying attention during the conversation. Little did I know that the only thing the guy said in an entire night was "Hello, how are you tonight?" Which made it even easier for me to ignore him. But they left soon after, and then so did I with my friends. As I drove home, I started to get this dumb headache. It didn't really surprise me since the night that promised to be entertaining turned out to be a total bust. Well, maybe not total, since there still was a lot of dancing and laughter, and crazy salsa...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
A new old man on horizon.
So I finally tracked down my party boy, R. Took me quite a while to do that though. It was pretty much the usual thing - first he was busy at work, so he suggested we met next week, then I got totally swamped first and then had to practice abstinence for a few weeks because I was such an idiot. Finally this afternoon I decided to text message him. I couldn't come up with anything original so I simply said "Hey, stranger", same line he used on me before. And, what do you know, it worked. Luckily, this week was going to be less hectic for him so we decided to meet up on Wednesday. Of course, things could not just run smoothly (when do they ever do). Since he lives with his mother (I know, I know), we have to meet up at his other apartment. The only problem is someone already lives there. So every time we want to meet up he has to kick the other guy out to have a place for himself in the evening. Last time he managed to do that, but apparently this time it could be a problem. He told me though, that if he will not be able to kick him out, we'll just take a night vacation and get our own little getaway with our own private room. Now I kind of wish he couldn't get him out. I didn't argue much and just told him to do whatever it is he has to do. His response? He will keep me guessing as to location as long as I make sure I bring my passionate lovely self. How romantic! Don't make me sick. I told him I'll make sure I'll drag my ass over. Talk about killing the romance...
Why is it that every time you plan something, someone else will always call you and try to make plans for the same night? Less than an hour after we set up a day, my friend Aaron called me asking if I would have dinner with him since he is leaving for Canada for a week. And, naturally, he wanted to meet up Wednesday. I told him I can't do Wednesday, but would gladly do Tuesday night, or even Monday. It just amazes me that out of all weeks and days in the week, he would choose to have dinner on the same day as I am meeting the party boy. It's the same as when you stay single for months and eventually meet someone, that same moment three more guys line up in front of your door wanting to go out. Where have you been a month ago, I ask? Do you smell that I might be seeing someone now and run over to ask me out too? And once you end things with the first guy, these three suddenly disappear too... Happens every damn time... not only to me, but to my friends as well... So it's not like I am making it up, I have their back up.
Why is it that every time you plan something, someone else will always call you and try to make plans for the same night? Less than an hour after we set up a day, my friend Aaron called me asking if I would have dinner with him since he is leaving for Canada for a week. And, naturally, he wanted to meet up Wednesday. I told him I can't do Wednesday, but would gladly do Tuesday night, or even Monday. It just amazes me that out of all weeks and days in the week, he would choose to have dinner on the same day as I am meeting the party boy. It's the same as when you stay single for months and eventually meet someone, that same moment three more guys line up in front of your door wanting to go out. Where have you been a month ago, I ask? Do you smell that I might be seeing someone now and run over to ask me out too? And once you end things with the first guy, these three suddenly disappear too... Happens every damn time... not only to me, but to my friends as well... So it's not like I am making it up, I have their back up.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Today is the day you left me...
I hate you for leaving me when I needed you most. I hate you for not being there for me when I wanted to be with someone I love and understand. I hate you for not giving me any warning before you left me. I hate you for losing my best friend and the only person I could ever trust. I hate that I am still thinking about you every day even though it's been years since you've left. I hate that you are not there when I am hurting or need to talk to someone who can simply listen and nod. No advice, just listen and understand, like before. I hate you for ruining my faith in people and that up to this point, I haven't fully regained that. And I don't know if I ever will. I hate you for being my best friend and the person I loved the most and then suddenly disappearing on me. I hate that you never gave me the chance to say good-bye. I hate you for ever telling me you loved me and never letting me express my feelings. I hate you for making explain to everyone what suddenly happened to you and where you went. I hate you for storming into my life but not staying long enough. I am grateful for those years I got to spend with you but I hate you because it didn't last as long as I wanted... I am at a loss as to what else to say... I wish I remembered more of our time together, but never in my life with you had I thought you'd leave so unexpectedly. I was not ready... I was shocked when it happened... i hope you had your reasons but I don't think I will ever find out what they were or understand them. I hope one day I see you again and that my questions will be answered. Until that day, I hate you...
I want to let you know that you created some of the best and the worst days in my life and I am reminded of it every single year. You have no idea how hard it is for me to write this but doing it makes me feel better even if only for a moment.
You are always in my mind and in my heart and in my best and dearest memories.
June 21, 19** - October 22 few years back...
I hate you for leaving me when I needed you most. I hate you for not being there for me when I wanted to be with someone I love and understand. I hate you for not giving me any warning before you left me. I hate you for losing my best friend and the only person I could ever trust. I hate that I am still thinking about you every day even though it's been years since you've left. I hate that you are not there when I am hurting or need to talk to someone who can simply listen and nod. No advice, just listen and understand, like before. I hate you for ruining my faith in people and that up to this point, I haven't fully regained that. And I don't know if I ever will. I hate you for being my best friend and the person I loved the most and then suddenly disappearing on me. I hate that you never gave me the chance to say good-bye. I hate you for ever telling me you loved me and never letting me express my feelings. I hate you for making explain to everyone what suddenly happened to you and where you went. I hate you for storming into my life but not staying long enough. I am grateful for those years I got to spend with you but I hate you because it didn't last as long as I wanted... I am at a loss as to what else to say... I wish I remembered more of our time together, but never in my life with you had I thought you'd leave so unexpectedly. I was not ready... I was shocked when it happened... i hope you had your reasons but I don't think I will ever find out what they were or understand them. I hope one day I see you again and that my questions will be answered. Until that day, I hate you...
I want to let you know that you created some of the best and the worst days in my life and I am reminded of it every single year. You have no idea how hard it is for me to write this but doing it makes me feel better even if only for a moment.
You are always in my mind and in my heart and in my best and dearest memories.
June 21, 19** - October 22 few years back...
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Man's opinion
I'm always puzzled when guys say they cannot understand women, that we are too complicated. But seriously guys, don't even get me started on which gender is more complicated and bizarre. I happened to be in a strange situation recently so I finally had to engage some innocent bystanders and practically terrorize them until they shared their honest opinion with me. By innocent bystanders I mean two male friends of mine who I thought should be able to provide me with some insight as to this issue. I have already formed my own opinion before I talked to any of them, but wasn't sure it was the correct one, since male and female brains work in opposite directions it seems. Then I talked to each of them separately to get some male perspective. The reason I asked two of them is to avoid any possibility of bias which could have occurred had I asked only one guy. Now by having my thoughts and their respective ideas I was hoping I was going to be able to get to some conclusion that made sense to me. Well, turns out, even after they shared some information with me and I slept on it, things don't make much more sense than they did yesterday afternoon. Actually, they sort of do, but now I am even more perplexed about the entire situation than I was before. But enough about what I think and back to the issue, I guess.
As you probably have guessed, it is about a guy. I met him a while ago, online. As we started talking, we inevitably got to the question of what we are both expecting from each other. Turns out we were both looking for something casual at the time (now I don't know his reasons but I have just got out of a weird relationship and wasn't about to jump into another one). I do not recall who mentioned the casual thing first, and as one of my friends pointed out, it is an important aspect that can impact the way he thinks. Too bad I didn't keep notes. We finally met sometime last June and spent one night together. Afterwards, we kept talking online quite often, but our respective schedules kept us from seeing each other again even though both he and I attempted to meet up numerous times. Unfortunately that never happened. As of about two-three months ago though he started asking me if I met someone else or if I've slept with someone else since we hooked up. Going back to our initial conversation, we made an agreement to tell each other if we've slept with someone else while we were seeing each other (I guess here goes a trust issue). So, every time he'd ask me if I slept with someone else, I'd say no (which is the truth, since I haven't been with anyone since he started asking me that question). After my answer, he'd just move on to another topic in our conversation. This fact always left me wondering why he would ask me this question, because it sounded like he was asking me if I was with someone else while I was with him (let me remind you, we agreed it was OK to see other people as long as the other person knows about it). So yesterday, after another round of interrogation from him, I finally decided to get some man opinion about this. I figured a guy would know better why another guy is acting one way or another. So the question I asked both guys was:
"Why does he ask me if I hooked up with anyone anytime we talk online?"
I gave them some background so they were familiar with the situation.
Here are their response (my notes in parenthesis). By the way, they know I will be referring to them here and they don't mind.
The first guy I asked:
"Because he is curious and because he wants some repeat performance. (what does one have to do with another?) If you were having fun with someone else then maybe you wouldn't be as receptive to having fun with him too (once again, those two things are not connected since we agreed we are free to see whoever we like). You are a girl who could get with a majority of single men when you go out so he is just scared that a) you find someone you like or b) find someone so good that he won't be able to compete with him when he gets a chance. Did you hooked up with him ever since (no, it was that only time). Was it good for him and you? (well, he wouldn't stop talking about it for about two weeks after it happened just having re-runs in his head, so does that mean he liked it?). Obviously then it was an experience for him and he had a very good night so now he may be wanting it to happen again on a frequent basis, so if you start seeing someone else it lessens his chances ( I still don't get how having someone else for one night - because that's what he implies when he asks me the question - can lessen his chance). It may not but he may think that."
Alright, I mean I see his point but it still hasn't made things any clearer. Except the fact that he wants to meet up again which I already knew cause he tells me that when we talk anyway.
The second guy (the reason I asked this guy was because he has a tendency to be blunt no matter how bad his response may be. I appreciate it because girls have a tendency to sugar-coat things to spare your feelings, but this guy is basically telling me things as they are according to his perspective, of course):
"Men feel possessive of anyone they have sex with. Some more then others. Some act on their feelings some don't (that's a general sweeping statement). He might feel possessive without acting on it. Most men don't like to share their women. (at this point I told him about our agreement to see other people while informing each other of it. I also told him that I answered his question and that I was honest with him. I told him that we haven't seen each other since so it was weird he kept asking the same thing over and over). I think he may want to date you at this point, and date you exclusively (why would you think that). Sex creates an emotional bond and separation creates desire (at this point things get pretty heated up, so he just calls me instead). When you first started seeing each other, you made an agreement it was going to be a casual thing. Now he has changed his mind, but he can't change his word because men don't do that (at least decent ones). He probably realized he wants something more but cannot say it because it would go against what you agreed on. Do you want to date him? (I think so). At this point it is up to you then to casually bring it up and maybe give him a hint. If he takes the bait, he'll continue the conversation you started and will tell you what he wants. If he was the one who first mentioned the casual thing, then just casually bring it up and see what happens from there. If you were the one who said that, then it is entirely up to you to start this conversation. If you said it first, he would never talk about being exclusive first because he thinks it is not what you want (damn, it's like saying, you made your bed, you have to lie in it now. I wish I remembered who brought it up first - for some reason I think it was me since more likely than not he asked me what I am looking for, and not the opposite. Mental note: I should definitely start keeping notes). You have to find a way to start this conversation (easy for you to say. Once we kick off the talk, I can take it from there, but I have no idea how to start)."
We talked for a little while more trying to come up with different ways to have this conversation and so far have come up with two scenarios: either bring it up after sex or give an example of a third party changing their mind on their word (my friend thinks it might prompt the guy to speak up if he knows I think it's OK when people change their initial intentions). I like the first one more since it has a double meaning and if he doesn't follow through, I'd be able to brush it off as a joke. If he does though, then it would be a kick-start for a conversation.
I'll leave my thoughts to myself right now, cause I am not sure yet I digested all this information and know exactly what to do. I'll let you know when I decide.
As you probably have guessed, it is about a guy. I met him a while ago, online. As we started talking, we inevitably got to the question of what we are both expecting from each other. Turns out we were both looking for something casual at the time (now I don't know his reasons but I have just got out of a weird relationship and wasn't about to jump into another one). I do not recall who mentioned the casual thing first, and as one of my friends pointed out, it is an important aspect that can impact the way he thinks. Too bad I didn't keep notes. We finally met sometime last June and spent one night together. Afterwards, we kept talking online quite often, but our respective schedules kept us from seeing each other again even though both he and I attempted to meet up numerous times. Unfortunately that never happened. As of about two-three months ago though he started asking me if I met someone else or if I've slept with someone else since we hooked up. Going back to our initial conversation, we made an agreement to tell each other if we've slept with someone else while we were seeing each other (I guess here goes a trust issue). So, every time he'd ask me if I slept with someone else, I'd say no (which is the truth, since I haven't been with anyone since he started asking me that question). After my answer, he'd just move on to another topic in our conversation. This fact always left me wondering why he would ask me this question, because it sounded like he was asking me if I was with someone else while I was with him (let me remind you, we agreed it was OK to see other people as long as the other person knows about it). So yesterday, after another round of interrogation from him, I finally decided to get some man opinion about this. I figured a guy would know better why another guy is acting one way or another. So the question I asked both guys was:
"Why does he ask me if I hooked up with anyone anytime we talk online?"
I gave them some background so they were familiar with the situation.
Here are their response (my notes in parenthesis). By the way, they know I will be referring to them here and they don't mind.
The first guy I asked:
"Because he is curious and because he wants some repeat performance. (what does one have to do with another?) If you were having fun with someone else then maybe you wouldn't be as receptive to having fun with him too (once again, those two things are not connected since we agreed we are free to see whoever we like). You are a girl who could get with a majority of single men when you go out so he is just scared that a) you find someone you like or b) find someone so good that he won't be able to compete with him when he gets a chance. Did you hooked up with him ever since (no, it was that only time). Was it good for him and you? (well, he wouldn't stop talking about it for about two weeks after it happened just having re-runs in his head, so does that mean he liked it?). Obviously then it was an experience for him and he had a very good night so now he may be wanting it to happen again on a frequent basis, so if you start seeing someone else it lessens his chances ( I still don't get how having someone else for one night - because that's what he implies when he asks me the question - can lessen his chance). It may not but he may think that."
Alright, I mean I see his point but it still hasn't made things any clearer. Except the fact that he wants to meet up again which I already knew cause he tells me that when we talk anyway.
The second guy (the reason I asked this guy was because he has a tendency to be blunt no matter how bad his response may be. I appreciate it because girls have a tendency to sugar-coat things to spare your feelings, but this guy is basically telling me things as they are according to his perspective, of course):
"Men feel possessive of anyone they have sex with. Some more then others. Some act on their feelings some don't (that's a general sweeping statement). He might feel possessive without acting on it. Most men don't like to share their women. (at this point I told him about our agreement to see other people while informing each other of it. I also told him that I answered his question and that I was honest with him. I told him that we haven't seen each other since so it was weird he kept asking the same thing over and over). I think he may want to date you at this point, and date you exclusively (why would you think that). Sex creates an emotional bond and separation creates desire (at this point things get pretty heated up, so he just calls me instead). When you first started seeing each other, you made an agreement it was going to be a casual thing. Now he has changed his mind, but he can't change his word because men don't do that (at least decent ones). He probably realized he wants something more but cannot say it because it would go against what you agreed on. Do you want to date him? (I think so). At this point it is up to you then to casually bring it up and maybe give him a hint. If he takes the bait, he'll continue the conversation you started and will tell you what he wants. If he was the one who first mentioned the casual thing, then just casually bring it up and see what happens from there. If you were the one who said that, then it is entirely up to you to start this conversation. If you said it first, he would never talk about being exclusive first because he thinks it is not what you want (damn, it's like saying, you made your bed, you have to lie in it now. I wish I remembered who brought it up first - for some reason I think it was me since more likely than not he asked me what I am looking for, and not the opposite. Mental note: I should definitely start keeping notes). You have to find a way to start this conversation (easy for you to say. Once we kick off the talk, I can take it from there, but I have no idea how to start)."
We talked for a little while more trying to come up with different ways to have this conversation and so far have come up with two scenarios: either bring it up after sex or give an example of a third party changing their mind on their word (my friend thinks it might prompt the guy to speak up if he knows I think it's OK when people change their initial intentions). I like the first one more since it has a double meaning and if he doesn't follow through, I'd be able to brush it off as a joke. If he does though, then it would be a kick-start for a conversation.
I'll leave my thoughts to myself right now, cause I am not sure yet I digested all this information and know exactly what to do. I'll let you know when I decide.
Friday, October 20, 2006
It's so good to finally unwind...
Damn, what a week! I think it is pretty amazing when I leave work at 7:30pm and call it an early night. Amazingly disturbing. I basically got used to working twelve hours a day now with only five hours of sleep. Let me tell you, it is so fucking exhaustive. The funny thing though is that I haven't been able to touch any of my own reports because I just keep working on other people's crap. You would think they are incapable of doing their own work, but you are wrong. It's simply that we have one very shitty analyst. An analyst who takes five days off in the midst of our busy season (and just so you know no one takes off during the busy season), then comes back and expects all his work to be finished. An analyst who hasn't touched his report since March (October of last year in some instances), and expects us to finish it in a week. A week?! Give me a break... impossible. FYI, we did finish it in a week. But the most amazing thing? An analyst who thinks he is still in the kindergarten. Here's the story. I was finishing up his report and had a deadline last Sunday (another thing - an analyst who sets his deadlines on a weekend!), and apparently overlooked fairly large transaction. Factor in crazy working hours and hectic schedule and you might understand why it happened. Come this Monday, he comes back into town and is having a fit at work because of this fact and another, unrelated to me issue. Next Tuesday he is having an analyst meeting where he reports to my manager that I did it on purpose. On purpose? Right, I have nothing else to do at work but to sit around thinking of the ways to annoy him. Puh-leeease... So childish. It's like my old friend went to complain to my teacher when I broke some toy. The difference? We were five and such behavior was totally acceptable. My senior was laughing his ass off when he heard it. Seriously, the beginning of my week felt like Friday the thirteenth. The rest of the week was no better though. On Wednesday, my colleague announced that he might just kill somebody accidentally. When I asked why, he responded, "Well, it's 8pm and I am still here, and winter is coming". Alright, it is late, I can understand that, but what does winter have to do with anything? His response? "During summer I at least had an opportunity to lay by the pool and unwind. Now I don't have this chance and might simply suffocate here." Dead on... Today, another colleague of mine had his day ruined before 10am. Question - how can you manage to wreck your day before you have a morning coffee? Even I can't do it... yet. "It is simple", he said, "I came in the kitchen half an hour ago to pour myself some coffee to wake up and be able to function (oh I so know that feeling) and when I pressed the dispense button, one drop of coffee fell into my cup ( yeah, coffee is pretty much gone by 9:15). So I poured a new pack of coffee in the machine, pressed 'Brewing', left my cup on the table and left (it takes about five to seven minutes for it to brew). I came back in five minutes, grabbed my cup and pressed the button again. One drop of coffee again! Now I am brewing again." Yes, he was simply gone for too long. Coffee disappears with a lightening speed in the morning so if you are brewing it, you literally have to stand there and get it as soon as it's done. Otherwise, you'll just have to keep brewing. A little drama before I had my morning coffee... Great. I spent the rest of the day working on someone else's report (surprise, surprise) and bickering with my senior. Oh, and I forgot to mention my team lunch. Nothing special, except for I got another proof of what I already knew. Guys gossip no less than girls. My team consists of seven guys and two girls, I am being one of them (not surprising in the world of finance). The moment we sat down and ordered food, four of those guys started gossiping about this girl who works with us. Bingo... don't they have something else to talk about? Like sports or cars? And then they say girls talk to much.
Around 4pm I decided that I need some therapy to help me unwind... And what's the better therapy for a girl than to go shopping after work? Which I most certainly did. I both love and hate this process. I spent probably half of my paycheck today, but have to admit, I got some pretty cool stuff. Will probably have to return those boots I bought last month after all though. All for all, it was a great therapy. Now not only my fingers hurt from typing, but my toes also hurt from walking so much. I will probably have to go get a mini-massage tomorrow to unwind after unwinding...
Around 4pm I decided that I need some therapy to help me unwind... And what's the better therapy for a girl than to go shopping after work? Which I most certainly did. I both love and hate this process. I spent probably half of my paycheck today, but have to admit, I got some pretty cool stuff. Will probably have to return those boots I bought last month after all though. All for all, it was a great therapy. Now not only my fingers hurt from typing, but my toes also hurt from walking so much. I will probably have to go get a mini-massage tomorrow to unwind after unwinding...
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
How I spent my summer (oops, my weekend)
You know what really bugs me when I'm watching TV? That when a show you are watching gets interrupted by a commercial and you change the channel, turns out, your second-favorite show has also just gone to commercial. Then you're just stuck there with nothing to watch for three minutes. So what does one do? That's right, makes another trip to the fridge to get some leftovers, and then complains about pants not fitting properly. I guess I should stop watching TV so much anyway...
I dragged my old and tired ass out last weekend after a long work week. I am actually happy that I came out because I managed to kill two birds with one stone. Actually three, but I don't think that's the way the saying goes. I finally got to hang out with a friend I haven't seen for a while and I saw a friend whom I haven't seen for a long while. So long in fact, that he managed to make two trips overseas, get engaged and break off the engagement. Yeah, some people take years to do that. He managed to accomplish everything in mere three months, but considering the fact we used to see each other almost every week, three months is a long time. We had a blast except the fact that Mie N Yu (don't you hate the way they spell it?) served us some cheap vodka, but we wouldn't know about it until later, hence I'll come back to it later too... You know why I love being multilingual? It's the fact that I can talk about anything with another person with dozens of people surrounding us. So there I was standing by the bar with my friend (my other friend temporarily disappeared) discussing our recent escapades, present and ex love interests, or to be more specific, their sack skills, talking loudly to each other trying to get through the music (because you know, we weren't speaking English so no one could understand us, right)... Wrong! The guy who's been standing right behind us for the past five minutes, who I thought was only trying to get a drink, suddenly spoke to us... well, turns out, he's from the same city as my friend. Great! He's been standing there for the eternity, listening to our conversation, listening to us discussing the last hook up, love-making skills and blow jobs. He just stood there as if he had no idea what went on. Embarrassing? A little. But who the fuck cares. We left the place rather soon after that and decided to go somewhere and dance. Why do I always end up in the same place no matter where I start? This night was no exception. We got some more drinks and went on to shake our booties. Within approximately twenty minutes my friend and I had to ward off six or so guys between us two. Good thing our guy friend was there too so he would tell others off if we didn't want to dance with them. He's like our bodyguard when we go out... You think I am joking? At one point he actually told me that the guy who came up to me earlier (and whom I actually liked and made small talk with) was watching me like a hawk from the other side of the bar. I told him to forget about the guy and just enjoy the night. Which we did, for the next hour or so. We had to leave eventually because, you know, that place has to close at some point.
As I was driving home, I got this nasty headache (this is where that cheap vodka comes in). I knew I didn't have that many drinks to be drunk so I figured that was the reason. As I was driving home thinking how great it would feel to crawl into bed and pass out, I noticed this guy driving by me, staring in my direction. At the next light he motioned to me to roll the window down, so I did.
-Do you have another cigarette? - he asked.
- No I don't, but you can have the one I 'm smoking. (In reality I did have two left but I wasn't about to share them with a person I just met, knowing I won't be able to get any more until the following Monday).
- Where are you going?
I told him I am going home. C'mon dude, it's 4am, I'm in my car driving by myself, where do you think I'm going?
- Do you want to come home with me?
- Umm, no...
First of all you are cute, but not one-night-stand-cute, and second, I don't even know you.
- Can you take me home with you?
- No.
Seriously, if I were to sleep with you, I would go to your place.
I drove off laughing and actually was able to forget about my headache. Until I got home that is. I did exactly what I pictured I would do - I passed out on my bed without even washing my make up off. I know, so terrible of me.
Now, in case you are wondering how I know it was a cheap vodka and not me getting drunk, hear this: I talked to my friend the next morning and she also had a headache and felt like shit. And she had even fewer drinks than I did. It is impossible for us to get wasted off of two or three drinks... we know our limits and three drinks are just not it. So we decided it was a cheap vodka. I didn't even think of telling the bartender what kind of vodka I want because I assumed that Mie N Yu would serve a good liquor. Apparently not. Lesson learned - tell bartenders exactly what you want in your drink no matter where you are. See? Live and learn. Always...
I dragged my old and tired ass out last weekend after a long work week. I am actually happy that I came out because I managed to kill two birds with one stone. Actually three, but I don't think that's the way the saying goes. I finally got to hang out with a friend I haven't seen for a while and I saw a friend whom I haven't seen for a long while. So long in fact, that he managed to make two trips overseas, get engaged and break off the engagement. Yeah, some people take years to do that. He managed to accomplish everything in mere three months, but considering the fact we used to see each other almost every week, three months is a long time. We had a blast except the fact that Mie N Yu (don't you hate the way they spell it?) served us some cheap vodka, but we wouldn't know about it until later, hence I'll come back to it later too... You know why I love being multilingual? It's the fact that I can talk about anything with another person with dozens of people surrounding us. So there I was standing by the bar with my friend (my other friend temporarily disappeared) discussing our recent escapades, present and ex love interests, or to be more specific, their sack skills, talking loudly to each other trying to get through the music (because you know, we weren't speaking English so no one could understand us, right)... Wrong! The guy who's been standing right behind us for the past five minutes, who I thought was only trying to get a drink, suddenly spoke to us... well, turns out, he's from the same city as my friend. Great! He's been standing there for the eternity, listening to our conversation, listening to us discussing the last hook up, love-making skills and blow jobs. He just stood there as if he had no idea what went on. Embarrassing? A little. But who the fuck cares. We left the place rather soon after that and decided to go somewhere and dance. Why do I always end up in the same place no matter where I start? This night was no exception. We got some more drinks and went on to shake our booties. Within approximately twenty minutes my friend and I had to ward off six or so guys between us two. Good thing our guy friend was there too so he would tell others off if we didn't want to dance with them. He's like our bodyguard when we go out... You think I am joking? At one point he actually told me that the guy who came up to me earlier (and whom I actually liked and made small talk with) was watching me like a hawk from the other side of the bar. I told him to forget about the guy and just enjoy the night. Which we did, for the next hour or so. We had to leave eventually because, you know, that place has to close at some point.
As I was driving home, I got this nasty headache (this is where that cheap vodka comes in). I knew I didn't have that many drinks to be drunk so I figured that was the reason. As I was driving home thinking how great it would feel to crawl into bed and pass out, I noticed this guy driving by me, staring in my direction. At the next light he motioned to me to roll the window down, so I did.
-Do you have another cigarette? - he asked.
- No I don't, but you can have the one I 'm smoking. (In reality I did have two left but I wasn't about to share them with a person I just met, knowing I won't be able to get any more until the following Monday).
- Where are you going?
I told him I am going home. C'mon dude, it's 4am, I'm in my car driving by myself, where do you think I'm going?
- Do you want to come home with me?
- Umm, no...
First of all you are cute, but not one-night-stand-cute, and second, I don't even know you.
- Can you take me home with you?
- No.
Seriously, if I were to sleep with you, I would go to your place.
I drove off laughing and actually was able to forget about my headache. Until I got home that is. I did exactly what I pictured I would do - I passed out on my bed without even washing my make up off. I know, so terrible of me.
Now, in case you are wondering how I know it was a cheap vodka and not me getting drunk, hear this: I talked to my friend the next morning and she also had a headache and felt like shit. And she had even fewer drinks than I did. It is impossible for us to get wasted off of two or three drinks... we know our limits and three drinks are just not it. So we decided it was a cheap vodka. I didn't even think of telling the bartender what kind of vodka I want because I assumed that Mie N Yu would serve a good liquor. Apparently not. Lesson learned - tell bartenders exactly what you want in your drink no matter where you are. See? Live and learn. Always...
Friday, October 06, 2006
A gloomy post...
I have been feeling quite overwhelmed during the past few days. I guess fortune decided that I've had enough good luck already, so things just came crushing down on me yesterday and today.
First, I realized that I have to move out by the end of the month. My current living situation has become simply unbearable. I actually dread coming home from work and look for any excuse to leave my house. As a result, I spend a lot of time watching TV, reading or staying out just so I don't have to talk to anyone. I only use my room for sleep and my bathroom for a shower. And what makes this situation even 'prettier' is the fact that it's incredibly hard to find a decent apartment that does not cost me an entire paycheck. The area where I want to live is awfully expensive with tiny apartments. One may point out that if I chose to live and work in DC, then I should pay for it. And I totally agree with that - I understand the convenience of location and the proximity of... well, everything and I am willing to pay for it. I just don't want to pay this much. So the search goes on. I spent half a day today at work looking through listings and, I have to admit, found a few that I would like to check out. While they are not what I ideally want, they sound good enough and are fairly close to work and play. I talked to my potential roommate and the locations I found seem to suit both of us in terms of closeness to work. Another thing that I have to factor in the price is the cost of furniture. From our conversation I realized that neither of us have any living room furniture, which means we have to buy it very soon after moving in. While the idea of sitting on the blanket in the living room having lunch seems appealing in theory, in reality no one would be able to tolerate such living conditions for long. On the brighter side, we have three laptops and one TV combined. So now we can add movies and turn our living room into some sort of a movie theater with multiple movie selection. Kind of a Comcast On-Demand feature. I told her that if we don't buy at least a couch, we'd be like nomads living in an empty apartment with rugs on the floor sans any furniture. Let me tell you, she wasn't thrilled with this idea. However, the first thing I am buying upon getting my place is a bed. That's right! An exceptionally comfortable king size bed so I can lay down in any direction I want and not be afraid of falling off the bed if fall asleep drunk. Just kidding. But seriously, this will be my first purchase. Which I also have to factor in my budget. Ahh, to many things to keep track of. In any case, if the weather is on my side, tomorrow I shall check some of these places out and see if any of them suit me.
Second, I realized that my manager is a liar. Well, maybe not a liar but rather deceptive human being. But let's start from the beginning. A few months back I was promised that a few of my clients will be transferred to other people in order to alleviate my work load. Not just mine, really, but that of an entire department. In fact, we were all promised that a number of new people are going to be hired and all our clients will be distributed between them, hence leaving us, veterans, with fewer number of things we have to keep track of. Indeed, they hired more people. As a result, three of my clients were transferred to others which obviously meant less work for me, so I was happy with the way things were. What they didn't factor in though (I use this word quite a lot, no?) is that a number of people would leave and our department would likely pick up new clients. Therefore, I found out yesterday that I am getting four (!) new clients. Now, maybe my manager with business education does not know algebra, but X-3+4=X+1 - or one additional client for me. Talk about easing my work load. If you also count the fact that I got bigger and more complex clients to work with, I am looking forward to even longer working hours this season plus some weekends. Seriously, ease my load my ass! The thing that annoys me the most is the management probably knew about new client and people leaving, yet they consciously deceived us into believing that things will improve. In my opinion, this whole deal only made associates disappointed with the way this company is being run and made them lose trust and respect for their managers. If no one sugar-coated the situation saying it would be easier, people would be more prepared for things to come, hence less frustrated, hence more respectful for managers. And then the latter group acts surprised every time people quit. No wonder, I would quit too if I were in their position. Fortunately, I like what I do, so it makes it easier for me to get through the busy season. Plus, I don't want to leave before I am promoted. I don't see any point in leaving the same position I was hired for. That's why I want to wait a year or so to get promoted, and then start looking for a new job. Besides, I want to get my CFA before going somewhere else, and in order for me to study I need to get promoted so my schedule becomes less hectic.
Third, my senior and I totally despise each other. If all other members of our team simply hate him, I disdain him. I have never seen a person more self-absorbent, conceited, petulant, or vain than him. I would be able to understand his ways if he were a millionaire who retired at thirty, but he is in no better position than the rest of us, yet makes it seem like he's on top of the world already. He has a long way there still. I don't even want to mention the way he trashed me in front of my manager, because I finished my work faster than others on most nights, therefore left home early. In his opinion, I was supposed to stay there and wait till everyone leaves so our team has consisted hours. I also don't want to mention the fact that the guy whose example I was given as for the hours he worked, went to gym or dinner every night and spent at least two hours there while I stayed in and worked. That is the reason I was able to finish early and leave early! However, in his eyes it is also a reason I worked ten hours less than him every week. Had my senior been there in the evening, he would know that and he would know better not to bring it up with my manager, but he was out by 7pm most nights, hence had no opportunity to observe the situation. As my friend suggested, from now on I should work painfully slow and take ten cigarette breaks a day. Maybe I should. It came as no surprise for me that today he announced that I'll have to move to accommodate new members of our team. Now, I always knew that either me or my other team member would have to move, but assumed it was going to be him since he expressed the desire to be moved while I absolutely hated the idea. The area where I am going to be sitting is isolated from my team and as a result I won't be able to see or talk to any of them. And the thing that pissed me off the most was the glee in his voice and the glistening of his eyes as he told me that. As in, 'Yeah you are moving there, finally'. Good thing he didn't bring champagne to celebrate. It may seem that I exaggerate things here, but every member of his old team, plus my old senior told me exactly same thing when they found out he was going to be in charge. It seems like there are only a few assholes in our department (three to be exact), and our team got two of them (the second one is the analyst in case you wonder). Call us lucky...
Forth, I just found out that a close relative of my friend is very sick and it's making me very upset.
Fifth, this weather totally blows and it's making me depressed... can't even go anywhere since it's raining so hard here...
First, I realized that I have to move out by the end of the month. My current living situation has become simply unbearable. I actually dread coming home from work and look for any excuse to leave my house. As a result, I spend a lot of time watching TV, reading or staying out just so I don't have to talk to anyone. I only use my room for sleep and my bathroom for a shower. And what makes this situation even 'prettier' is the fact that it's incredibly hard to find a decent apartment that does not cost me an entire paycheck. The area where I want to live is awfully expensive with tiny apartments. One may point out that if I chose to live and work in DC, then I should pay for it. And I totally agree with that - I understand the convenience of location and the proximity of... well, everything and I am willing to pay for it. I just don't want to pay this much. So the search goes on. I spent half a day today at work looking through listings and, I have to admit, found a few that I would like to check out. While they are not what I ideally want, they sound good enough and are fairly close to work and play. I talked to my potential roommate and the locations I found seem to suit both of us in terms of closeness to work. Another thing that I have to factor in the price is the cost of furniture. From our conversation I realized that neither of us have any living room furniture, which means we have to buy it very soon after moving in. While the idea of sitting on the blanket in the living room having lunch seems appealing in theory, in reality no one would be able to tolerate such living conditions for long. On the brighter side, we have three laptops and one TV combined. So now we can add movies and turn our living room into some sort of a movie theater with multiple movie selection. Kind of a Comcast On-Demand feature. I told her that if we don't buy at least a couch, we'd be like nomads living in an empty apartment with rugs on the floor sans any furniture. Let me tell you, she wasn't thrilled with this idea. However, the first thing I am buying upon getting my place is a bed. That's right! An exceptionally comfortable king size bed so I can lay down in any direction I want and not be afraid of falling off the bed if fall asleep drunk. Just kidding. But seriously, this will be my first purchase. Which I also have to factor in my budget. Ahh, to many things to keep track of. In any case, if the weather is on my side, tomorrow I shall check some of these places out and see if any of them suit me.
Second, I realized that my manager is a liar. Well, maybe not a liar but rather deceptive human being. But let's start from the beginning. A few months back I was promised that a few of my clients will be transferred to other people in order to alleviate my work load. Not just mine, really, but that of an entire department. In fact, we were all promised that a number of new people are going to be hired and all our clients will be distributed between them, hence leaving us, veterans, with fewer number of things we have to keep track of. Indeed, they hired more people. As a result, three of my clients were transferred to others which obviously meant less work for me, so I was happy with the way things were. What they didn't factor in though (I use this word quite a lot, no?) is that a number of people would leave and our department would likely pick up new clients. Therefore, I found out yesterday that I am getting four (!) new clients. Now, maybe my manager with business education does not know algebra, but X-3+4=X+1 - or one additional client for me. Talk about easing my work load. If you also count the fact that I got bigger and more complex clients to work with, I am looking forward to even longer working hours this season plus some weekends. Seriously, ease my load my ass! The thing that annoys me the most is the management probably knew about new client and people leaving, yet they consciously deceived us into believing that things will improve. In my opinion, this whole deal only made associates disappointed with the way this company is being run and made them lose trust and respect for their managers. If no one sugar-coated the situation saying it would be easier, people would be more prepared for things to come, hence less frustrated, hence more respectful for managers. And then the latter group acts surprised every time people quit. No wonder, I would quit too if I were in their position. Fortunately, I like what I do, so it makes it easier for me to get through the busy season. Plus, I don't want to leave before I am promoted. I don't see any point in leaving the same position I was hired for. That's why I want to wait a year or so to get promoted, and then start looking for a new job. Besides, I want to get my CFA before going somewhere else, and in order for me to study I need to get promoted so my schedule becomes less hectic.
Third, my senior and I totally despise each other. If all other members of our team simply hate him, I disdain him. I have never seen a person more self-absorbent, conceited, petulant, or vain than him. I would be able to understand his ways if he were a millionaire who retired at thirty, but he is in no better position than the rest of us, yet makes it seem like he's on top of the world already. He has a long way there still. I don't even want to mention the way he trashed me in front of my manager, because I finished my work faster than others on most nights, therefore left home early. In his opinion, I was supposed to stay there and wait till everyone leaves so our team has consisted hours. I also don't want to mention the fact that the guy whose example I was given as for the hours he worked, went to gym or dinner every night and spent at least two hours there while I stayed in and worked. That is the reason I was able to finish early and leave early! However, in his eyes it is also a reason I worked ten hours less than him every week. Had my senior been there in the evening, he would know that and he would know better not to bring it up with my manager, but he was out by 7pm most nights, hence had no opportunity to observe the situation. As my friend suggested, from now on I should work painfully slow and take ten cigarette breaks a day. Maybe I should. It came as no surprise for me that today he announced that I'll have to move to accommodate new members of our team. Now, I always knew that either me or my other team member would have to move, but assumed it was going to be him since he expressed the desire to be moved while I absolutely hated the idea. The area where I am going to be sitting is isolated from my team and as a result I won't be able to see or talk to any of them. And the thing that pissed me off the most was the glee in his voice and the glistening of his eyes as he told me that. As in, 'Yeah you are moving there, finally'. Good thing he didn't bring champagne to celebrate. It may seem that I exaggerate things here, but every member of his old team, plus my old senior told me exactly same thing when they found out he was going to be in charge. It seems like there are only a few assholes in our department (three to be exact), and our team got two of them (the second one is the analyst in case you wonder). Call us lucky...
Forth, I just found out that a close relative of my friend is very sick and it's making me very upset.
Fifth, this weather totally blows and it's making me depressed... can't even go anywhere since it's raining so hard here...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Don't take my insults seriously...
I think I've been blogging too much recently. You know, it's kind of addictive. But I love it, it's like that diary that I started a thousand times when I was little but never lasted even a week. The reasons varied - I got bored with it, I didn't like the design of the actual book, I lost it, you name it. And this blog is perfect: you can't lose it unless you forget your log in (and even then they can e-mail it to you), you can always change the design and even create your own. So I am thinking this one will be successful, or at least long-lasting. That is, if I don't get bored with it...
I came across this article while I was bored at work - I swear I must have reached the end of Internet before I stumbled across something I could read. I am not going to discuss the political scandal with Foley or the-third-this-week-shooting at school though - anyone who is interested can open any news website and read all about it and form their own opinion. I am too disgusted with these news to even discuss them here... in my opinion, there's nothing to argue about. I noticed a strange trend, if you want to call it, in news - nothing good is happening. I made it a habit to read news every morning while I drink my coffee, and all I see are disasters, arguments, attacks, disagreements ... the list goes on. It has been a while that I opened a news page and read about something positive. Although, congratulations to those scientists who won a Nobel Prize in physics and medicine. Good job guys! You made my day (just kidding)...
But back to the article I found today. I am going to admit beforehand that I am going to use some quotes from the article, but I promise I'll site the source for all of them... no loopholes for lawsuits here. So it basically teaches you how to break up with a guy, or to be more exact, how to make him break up with you. My favorite way - two weeks into a relationship ask him " So, where do we stand as a couple". Repeat weekly if necessary. Or nag him non-stop. My friends and I came up with a much more effective strategy - use, abuse and discard. Actually we made the whole theory up after one too many glasses of wine and a bad break up. So that probably is not the best idea for an everyday life. But sure is fun once in a while with the right guy. As in, if you are being a jerk to me, I'll be a jerk to you. Fair game.
Ahh, if someone who doesn't know me personally ever reads this, they will most likely think I am a man-hater, but trust me I am not. I love them. I just like to pretend I don't. The truth is, I never want to live without them. So don't take my insults too seriously. Another problem of mine? Saying something before I actually think. Then, when I hear the way it sounds when it comes out of my mouth, I'm terrified. You want an example? Here's one: I was with this guy who had a small tattoo on his arm. So when I asked if he has more, he said he has one on his stomach (or in close proximity - I can't really say stomach because he just kind of pointed at the entire area). Then I asked if it was bigger than the one he has on his arm (because you know, it was pretty small). Affirmative. So then I go ahead and say, "Well I am sure sure it's a big one." Or something along those lines. And then added, " You don't have a tattoo there." Then it hit me - the phrase totally has two meanings, and he thought of the second one judging by the way he laughed. Oh well... as I say quite a lot, shit happens.
I came across this article while I was bored at work - I swear I must have reached the end of Internet before I stumbled across something I could read. I am not going to discuss the political scandal with Foley or the-third-this-week-shooting at school though - anyone who is interested can open any news website and read all about it and form their own opinion. I am too disgusted with these news to even discuss them here... in my opinion, there's nothing to argue about. I noticed a strange trend, if you want to call it, in news - nothing good is happening. I made it a habit to read news every morning while I drink my coffee, and all I see are disasters, arguments, attacks, disagreements ... the list goes on. It has been a while that I opened a news page and read about something positive. Although, congratulations to those scientists who won a Nobel Prize in physics and medicine. Good job guys! You made my day (just kidding)...
But back to the article I found today. I am going to admit beforehand that I am going to use some quotes from the article, but I promise I'll site the source for all of them... no loopholes for lawsuits here. So it basically teaches you how to break up with a guy, or to be more exact, how to make him break up with you. My favorite way - two weeks into a relationship ask him " So, where do we stand as a couple". Repeat weekly if necessary. Or nag him non-stop. My friends and I came up with a much more effective strategy - use, abuse and discard. Actually we made the whole theory up after one too many glasses of wine and a bad break up. So that probably is not the best idea for an everyday life. But sure is fun once in a while with the right guy. As in, if you are being a jerk to me, I'll be a jerk to you. Fair game.
Ahh, if someone who doesn't know me personally ever reads this, they will most likely think I am a man-hater, but trust me I am not. I love them. I just like to pretend I don't. The truth is, I never want to live without them. So don't take my insults too seriously. Another problem of mine? Saying something before I actually think. Then, when I hear the way it sounds when it comes out of my mouth, I'm terrified. You want an example? Here's one: I was with this guy who had a small tattoo on his arm. So when I asked if he has more, he said he has one on his stomach (or in close proximity - I can't really say stomach because he just kind of pointed at the entire area). Then I asked if it was bigger than the one he has on his arm (because you know, it was pretty small). Affirmative. So then I go ahead and say, "Well I am sure sure it's a big one." Or something along those lines. And then added, " You don't have a tattoo there." Then it hit me - the phrase totally has two meanings, and he thought of the second one judging by the way he laughed. Oh well... as I say quite a lot, shit happens.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Just felt like uploading a picture...

Sometimes I wish all guys looked like that, but I guess I can keep dreaming. But then again, not all females are perfect either and we can't demand something from their gender without providing the same. That's called double standard. Sounds familiar?...
Anyway, it has nothing to do with anything that might follow, I was just browsing, came across this picture and decided to share it. So enjoy...
And I am back at work again counting days down until my next busy season... makes me so excited. At least I found out today two of my clients are getting transferred to someone else so hopefully it'll make my workload easier, especially if you take into account that one of them was such an ass... That is if I don't get any new ones.
I just got this shirt I really liked and have been looking at for the past month thinking maybe I'll change my mind about it... I haven't so I finally bought it. It should be delivered by the 13th - let's just hope it fits. It looks really, and I mean really, hot in the picture. Let's see what's going to happen once it's here.
Oh, and I am so relieved to find out that the friend whose birthday I missed and who I thought would never ever talk to me again since I haven't heard from her in two weeks, simply lost her SIM card and therefore could not reach me. So we are fine and I am meeting her for drinks this week, and we are going out on the town soon.. and trust me when we go out, it's trouble. And apparently in those three weeks that I haven't seen her she managed to find me a potential boyfriend... looking forward to meeting him... not! I hate when other people try to set me up. My other friend made this attempt last year and tried to set me up with a fisherman(!) - obviously nothing good came out of it, but thanks for the effort.
And last thing for today (because I am trying to work out today and it is getting late) - that guy I mentioned I met a few weeks ago called again, asking for a massage. I told him I could give him a phone number for my masseur, but that idea didn't fly well. I wonder why. But anyway, I think I want to see him again... especially after he told me he is trying to get back in shape now... and trust me, he wasn't in a bad shape last time I saw him, so imagine how much better he'll look this time around... that is if he works out and doesn't work crazy hours as he usually does.
But my treadmill is calling me right now, so I have to go... I'll finish up next time.
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